
Timur Kulibayev: "Long-term contracts will enable enterprises to modernize production"

- Kyzylorda Region
9414 просмотров

Issues of procurement and local content were discussed at a meeting of Kyzylorda businessmen with the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev.

At a meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kyzylorda region with the participation of the head of NCE and the akim of the region were discussed problematic issues of the regional business community, including - purchase, affordability and public private partnership.

According to Timur Kulibayev, "now we live in difficult economic time". Kyzylorda region is also dependent on the activity of the oil and gas sector. In this connection, the head of NCE "Atameken" will provide support to this industry.

"In the current conditions it is necessary to pose new challenges for entrepreneurs. We constantly provide feedback to the business community in all regions of the republic, and, based on their requests, suggestions, comments, we set for ourselves key priority tasks for 2016. The first - is the development of procurement and local content. There are a few moments. It is understood that this year the costs were significant due to the crisis, due to which the budget were reduced. But in order to support domestic producers, we will insist on the transparency of the procurement system. The same position, we will adhere in respect of the Fund "Samruk-Kazyna", which today spends a considerable amount of money on procurement. In December last year, we have concluded with the fund agreement on cooperation for development and business support. This week NCE will sign agreements with 8 subsidiary companies of "Samruk-Kazyna", which accounts for 93% of public procurement in quasi-public sector. And all the "subsidaries" of the national companies, which are located in the region, will also be monitored by NCE. That is, we have right to participate as observers and help domestic producers to participate in the purchases of the national company. NCE has identified over 4 million domestic producers with which we conduct work in this direction ", - said Timur Kulibayev.

He also added that as for subsoil users and national companies, "Atameken" has compiled a list of the major groups of purchased goods, which includes about 6-7 thousand positions, which requires careful consideration for further localization of production in Kazakhstan.

"We intend to focus on the following aspects. Firstly, to help domestic producers to participate in the procurement, and secondly, through a system of long-term contracts allow businesses to modernize their production. In general, the task is - through the public procurement system, subsoil procurement, procurement of national companies to allow our businesses to obtain long-term contracts to modernize and to become competitive and to sell their products not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad ", - concluded the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE Timur Kulibayev .

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