
To set the tone to Women's Entrepreneurship

- Pavlodar Region
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Issues of women's entrepreneurship were discussed at the meeting with of leadership of RCE with businesswomen of Ekibastuz

"Obtaining the certificate of conformity of quality for building materials, the complexity of the transition to the two-tariff electricity consumption mode" - these and other questions were raised during the business meeting with the leadership of the Regional Chamber of entrepreneurs, which paid a visit to the town of Ekibastuz.

Thus, IE Sabirov complained on high fees associated with obtaining a certificate of conformity of quality for construction materials. The businesswoman has to pay 800 000 tenge for the examination of one kind of products (ruggedized block pavement), despite the fact that more than 10 items need to be examined.

As it was noted by the chairman of the Regional Council Raykhangul Satabayeva, the certificate of conformity of products is beneficial, first of all, for the entrepreneurs. "The certificate confirms the competitiveness of their products. In general, to obtain a certificate of conformity – is a problematic issue for many entrepreneurs, that is a barrier to business. There is a need to sit down at the negotiating table and to help entrepreneurs in this issue ", - summed up the R. Satabayeva.

IE "Kaznauiev" produces pasta enriched with a high content of vitamins and minerals. The shop is located in the complex. Due to cost optimization, it was necessary to switch to two-tariff electricity consumption mode. At the same time, LLP "Gorelektroset" refused the request, requiring the transfer of the whole complex, which in turn is not profitable to the owner of the complex. In connection with the branch of the Chamber prepared an appeal to the leadership of LLP "Gorelektroset", the work in this direction continues.

"One of the main objectives is soon meeting with women entrepreneurs of Ekibastuz region. I would like to hear what interests you, what are the most urgent problems and the complexities of businesswomen of Ekibastuz. We need to unite women-businessmen for the joint decision of problematic issues. There should be a continuity, a businesswoman with experience can share her experience with beginning entrepreneurs. It is high time to create the Council of Business Women in the region, which will raise the problems of women's entrepreneurship", - said Serik Baiseitov.

According to the Head of human capital development Bakhytzhan Ilyasov, In the 1st quarter of this year 32 women turned addressed to the Council of Business Women, which was created last year under the RCE. 18 projects are implemented, and in different areas of business. This production of goat's milk, toys for the development of motor skills, corn sticks, a training center, services, trade. In each region, the Chairman of the Council of Business Women shall be elected. They should be a positive person, a leader who unites all, sets the tone for women’s entrepreneurship.

"The main task of the Council of Business Women is to engage women, who want to start a business. To do this the Chamber has the fourth direction - non-financial business support. Greater involvement of women in different areas of the business - this is the basic idea of ​​the Council of Business Women. A Chamber of Entrepreneurs, in turn, will continue to provide full support to our entrepreneurs in the implementation of business initiatives, and lead purposeful work to improve the business climate", - said Raykhangul Satabayeva.

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