
Head of NCE RK "Atameken" encourages state agencies not to put pressure on business

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The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev and Minister for Civil Service Affairs of Kazakhstan Talgat Donakov signed a cooperation agreement.

The provisions of this Agreement, aimed at identifying systemic problems and barriers to business development, the adoption of measures to prevent violations of the rights and interests of business entities.

Timur Kulibayev emphasized that one of the most important directions of the work of NCE – is to protect the rights of entrepreneurs, businessmen and those who have already suffered from the actions of any government agencies. The second – is an increase of anti-corruption expertise of RLAs. "Based on the analysis of appeals of entrepreneurs, we have a clear picture of systemic problems of Kazakhstani legislation. These are questions of land relations, architecture and taxes - all of them are familiar to us, and in practice we can see where there are gaps", - said Timur Kulibayev.

He recalled that NCE was originally designed as a platform for a dialogue. "We receive from all regions of Kazakhstan, from all industry associations, where business has contacts with state and local agencies, information on the practical application of the law", - said Timur Kulibayev.

Head of NCE noted the effective work Councils for combating corruption and the shadow economy and the Councils for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. An Institute of Business Ombudsman appeared for the first time in Kazakhstan. The new system will head the existing system of business protection, it has all the necessary powers. We have established good cooperation with the General Prosecutor's Office.

"We now live in a difficult time, and we need to support business. In general, if we work in different directions, this support will be provided. By reducing the administrative burden, we will help them to increase demand from the public and quasi-public sector, which will allow Kazakh business to pass less painfully through these difficult years. We have an active field for business cooperation in the face of NCE and state in the face of your ministry (the Ministry of Civil Service). I'm sure we're on the right path in this direction, we can work together effectively ", - said Timur Kulibayev.

He added, our task is to analyze systematically what happens in our real life in the center and in the regions. Based on feedback to make proposals to the existing legislation so that Kazakhstan has a normal, competitive business climate. Thus, we will ensure and diversify the economy, to which the head of state calls and will ensure normal employment in the business environment of Kazakhstan.

 Reference: NCE and RCEs received more than 12,000 applications within the line of business protection. The most frequent questions are related to land relations, architecture and construction - more than 20%, the tax ratio - 15%, the procurement - 10%. 40% of appeals have been positively resolved, the property rights of entrepreneurs in the amount of 33 billion tenge were protected.

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