
President of Kazakhstan: "We can’t lose our achievements"

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The Head of State considers that "fragmentation of the world economy" is possible

Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev considers that it is important that the global economy develops without the political confrontation. "Today we are at the crossroads and further global development largely depends on the clarity, coherence of the entire world community. One of the ways in which events can develop further is fragmentation of the world economy", - said the Head of State, speaking at the plenary session of the Astana Economic Forum.

Kazakhstani President added that "now Governments and central banks are less able to revive economic activity".

"In these circumstances, there is a big temptation to go into protectionism, closure from the outside world. We are already seeing many individual examples of such policies", - emphasized Nursultan Nazarbayev.

As an example, he mentioned "the creation of separate trading blocs on the analogue of WTO, the introduction of restrictions on the movement of capital, mutual sanctions, increased barriers to trade".

"We stand on the eve of the creation of the Asia-Pacific trade bloc with the United States, we hear about the upcoming talks here, in Central Asia in the Eurasian space we create the SCO. The SCO meeting will be held in June, and perhaps there will be discussed the question of accession of India, Iran and Pakistan, 3 billion people will be in the SCO ", - he said.

In this regard, N. Nazarbayev wondered how then will operate the WTO?

"In my opinion, all this is a dead end road, which in the long term will harm to all countries, and in the radical phase will lead to an increase of confrontation around the world, if you look at the old and recent history, it is possible to foresee it", - said the head of state.

Nursultan Nazarbayev recalled "the experience of the Cold War", when "everyone was divided in military and political blocs, and did not treat each other properly, even ordinary people are not welcomed in other countries".

"We've been through it. Only after the destruction of the walls and the end of the Cold War, the fall of the Iron Curtain, the world breathed freely, and the global economy began to grow after that. We can’t allow backsliding and losing our achievements. This is the most important, that we need to think of", - called on the President of Kazakhstan.

Zhanar Serdalina

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