
President: "I thank all the companies which believed in Kazakhstan”

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The Head of State thanked the investors for their active participation in joint economic projects

Kazakhstan managed to establish effective cooperation with multinational companies. "Over the years of independence Kazakhstan attracted 255 billion dollars of direct foreign investment. I thank all the companies which believed in Kazakhstan, put their money in our country. This is an indicator of confidence in our country and the reforms. We always want to prove the trust not vain", - said the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, during his speech at the plenary session of the Astana Economic Forum.

Then the Head of State noted that "1400 schools were built, 1300 health facilities, the expenditures on the social sphere increased from 6 to 10%". Within the industrialization program about 1,000 new enterprises worth 4 trillion tenge were launched in the country. The President of Kazakhstan noted that "it enabled us to create 10 thousand new jobs". In addition, the volume of international reserves of the country, including the National Fund money is 95 billion USD or about 50% of GDP.

"Maybe these numbers don’t say much to you, but I can say these indicators have never been achieved during the Soviet period in health and education sectors. Only in the last 10 years, life expectancy has increased from 64 to 73 years. I think this is one of the main achievements of all the work of my generation", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Zhanar Serdalina


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