
Payments will be faster and cheaper?

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Mazhilis approved a draft law with the new rules for banks and their customers

Today Mazhilis deputies at the plenary session approved the draft laws "On payments and payment systems" and "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on payments and payment systems".

Among the policy proposals of developers, we note reduction of terms of execution of payments by banks. "The following innovations will be introduced to protect the interests of consumers of payment services. The shortening of the period of the execution of payments by banks from a maximum of four days to two days, and as of June 1, 2017 day to day", - said chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan Daniyar Akishev, presenting the draft law to Mazhilis deputies. The draft law includes provisions, obliging the bank staff to familiarize the customer with the size of the commission before making a payment transaction, as well as introduces a ban on increase of tariffs and condition in the terms of the contract unilaterally.

In addition, D. Akishev said, the draft law stipulates "the competence of the National Bank and secures the basis of state control of payment systems and payment service providers".

The rule also sets a limit on debt recovery and seizure of the account of a debt holder from the funds received out of benefits and social benefits to be paid from the State budget and State social security fund, housing benefits, the money people, transferred to the notary deposit.

"The provisions of the bill have been agreed with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan, branch associations of non-bank participants in the payments market, and interested state bodies", - assured D. Akishev.

The draft law aroused keen interest of the Mazhilis. During the discussion, members asked questions Daniyar Akishev, concerning not only the project of the law. Gulnara Bizhanova draw the attention of the chairman of the National Bank to the problems encountered by individual entrepreneurs during cash payments. Previously, IE paid tax, filling in only one payment order for each type of tax. However, since 2016, in some second-tier banks, taxpayers are forced to fill in not one, but six payment orders to pay one type of tax (a separate payment is made for each month). Eventually, IE have to pay additional fees to the banks, resulting in a rise in the cost of payment of expenses .

Commenting on this issue, Daniyar Akishev noted that "he has never heard of the problem".

"Unfortunately, what you say, it is probably the relationship between banks and customers, we can not intervene directly. But at least we can meet with these banks to study the problem and to clarify on what basis we make this kind of offer, when the payment is broken down and, therefore, the commission increases", - said the chairman of the National Bank.

MP Mukhtar Tinikeev supported the collegue Bizhanova, noting that, "as usual, we adopt the law to make life of bankers easier". "And when will we to start pass laws that make life of people easier, those who use banks?" - asked Mazhilisman. - And when there are such transactions, recalculations, as it was noted by my colleague Bizhanova today, they do more transactions to strip more money from people.

Mazhilis approved the draft law in the first reading. The second reading is ahead, when deputies will study in detail each paragraph of the innovations proposed by the National Bank.

Zhanar Serdalina

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