
“Zhasampaz” consortium will not be deprived of a long-term defence procurement and acquisition.

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«Kazakhstan Engineering NC» JSC continues to work with companies on a long-term contract.

Entrepreneurs succeeded in defending the interests of 44 consortium’s manufacturing industries and saved nearly 5000 of workplaces.

 “The problem is solved, the long-term contract on defence procurement for the Ministry of Defence remains in force. On behalf of the manufacturers from 13 regions, textile workers, hosiery workers, shoemakers, leatherworkers, military ammunition and headwear manufacturers, we would like to express our gratitude to the government, state bodies, deputies, mass media, for solving this issue in favour of domestic manufacturers. We express our appreciation to the Research and Production Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken”, to all the departments, where the problem of entrepreneurs’ protection of rights was solved” - said Saule Shauenova, the member of “Zhasampaz” consortium.

According to the members of the consortium, the contract continuation allows industries to carry out their further work, aimed at output growth, investment obligations implementation, import substitution growth, preservation and new jobs creation.

 “The most important thing is that this work is held in accordance with the message of the Head of State, which is aimed at economic growth and manufacturing sector development” –underlined Saule Shauenova.

Let us remind that “Zhasampaz” consortium remains the main implementer of the long-term defence procurement and acquisition contract for the armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


In January 2018, «Kazakhstan Inzhiring» JSC sent a notification to consortium on the unilateral rescission of the contract. At the press conference at NPP “Atameken” entrepreneurs called “formal” the reasons for the rescission, as there were no industry blames from the state contractor. According to the members of consortium, at the same time operator limited entrepreneurs in their rights, endangered the operation of companies and workers.

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