
Basics of entrepreneurship will be taught at school

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In the nearest future Kazakhstani students will be taught the basics of entrepreneurship and economics

Representatives of PF "SANA Eurasia" (Foundation is a working body of the Council on Development of Youth Entrepreneurship under NCE RK "Atameken") and experts of NCE RK "Atameken" took part in the seminar on the introduction of the subject at secondary schools.

For several years "Atameken" raises the question of the importance of learning the basics of entrepreneurship and financial literacy at school.

Meanwhile, the study of basic of business a mandatory part of secondary education for teenagers of 15-17 years in foreign countries. There is no such thing at Kazakh schools. However, our students not only need knowledge on how the business environment is set up and which components determine the company's success, but they need to acquire knowledge and to develop skills, that will be the basis for their future success in professional work and life.

According to the developers, the compulsory introduction of the syllabus of the basics of entrepreneurship at school will contribute to the education of young people, who will know the intricacies of doing business from school. Learning the basic of economy, business and entrepreneurship during the school years should, according to the authors of the idea, change young people's attitudes to business initiatives and encourage them to start their own business.

The effectiveness of this measure is proved by the example of the Scandinavian countries where a high proportion of the middle class. Today, Finland, Sweden, Norway - leaders in the field of innovative economy, which is an indirect indication of a properly chosen method of vocational guidance and learning the basics of entrepreneurship.

This issue has been actively discussed during the past two years at the site of NCE RK "Atameken", the Council on Development of Youth Entrepreneurship under NCE RK. The negotiations were also held with the Ministry of Education and Science, the National Academy of Education named after S. Altynsarin, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and other organizations concerned about the possibility of introducing the subject.

Experts of PF "SANA Eurasia" took an active part in the development of the new subject at the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools. So, thanks to the efforts of NCE RK "Atameken" now within the frames of the program of cascading the experience of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools to secondary schools is being developed a training program on the subject "Basics of Economics and entrepreneurship", which is planned to be introduce by 2019 in a mandatory program for secondary schools at 10th and 11th classes. The new subject is focused on the practical part of the training. Thus, the entire second year in a two-year program is designed to study and protect their own business ideas. Students in the 11 grade will seek for promising business ideas in their region, on the basis of which they can compile a business plan and defend their project at the end of the year.

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