
Daulet Bakbergen "Atameken" conducts an active work in terms of cooperation of light industry enterprises"

- City of Almaty
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In Almaty was held the republican forum of light industry, dedicated to the professional holiday of workers in the sector

On the eve of the professional holiday the members of the Association of light industry enterprises have invited their colleagues and partners to discuss topical problems of the industry, to ensure dialogue between enterprises, exchange of experience and enhance the prestige of the industry.

According to statistics of the Committee, there are 886 enterprises of light industry in the country, 95% of which are small businesses. The volume of production of light industry in the past year amounted to 71 billion tenge, for 4 months of 2016 - 20.7 billion tenge. Not less than 60% of this volume accounts for the state defense order of power structures and procurements of national companies. However, according to the data of the industry association, work load of light industry enterprises an average is only 50-60%. Among the systemic problems of the industry - the high cost of imported raw materials (95% of fabrics and accessories are imported from abroad), lack of qualified staff (annual demand for about two thousand frames), the illegal export of raw materials. One of the named solutions is introduction of "cluster initiatives" aimed at establishing a full value chain - from cultivation of raw materials to the production of finished fabric.

The theme of support of domestic manufacturers in the production and supply of school uniforms was also touched upon at the national forum. The participants noted that the capacity of the school uniform market today is more than 37 billion tenge, but the share of domestic producers is no more than 7%. The issue of increase of the share of domestic producers in the purchase of school uniforms at the level of not less than 50% before the end of 2016 is being discussed.

"The share of manufacturing industries (machinery and metal processing, chemical, furniture, wood and other industries) in total industrial production is 12%. The annual industrial output of these companies amounts to more than 1 trillion tenge, the total number of employees more than 200 thousand people on supervised industries. In this regard, the question of development of industrial cooperation becomes relevant for domestic light industry enterprises with the industry to supply the required products - special clothing, footwear, etc. In this direction, NCE has been working actively with industry", - said the director of the Department of manufacturing of NCE RK "Atameken" Daulet Bakbergen.

During the event was also held the ceremony of awarding the industry leaders and presentation of collections of men, women, children, outwear, sportswear of Kazakhstani producers "Kazlegprom”, MIMIORIKI, “Semiramide”, “Aigul & Line”, ZIBROO.

National Light Industry Forum was sponsored by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", Akimat of Almaty, Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC “KAZNEX INVEST”, Fund “Damu”, Almaty Technological University.

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