
Liability is a liability and it should be fulfilled in compliance with the law

8740 просмотров

The Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov announced this at the All-Russian conference of businessmen in Moscow

The Business Ombudsman of Kazakhstan took part in the forum at the invitation of his Russian counterpart Boris Titov.

As it was noted in the speech of Bolat Palymbetov, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for businesses of the two countries. The Business Ombudsman of Kazakhstan drew their attention to the complaints of the Kazakhstani businessmen on Russian counterparties. According to him, in this regard we need assistance of the Russian authorities. In turn, he said that in Kazakhstan was established practice, when the competent authorities respond to the appeals of Russian entrepreneurs.

"Liability is a liability and it should be fulfilled in compliance with the law. We consider all appeals of Russian entrepreneurs. We get in touch with the Kazakh counterparts and promptly provide all relevant information", - said Bolat Palymbetov. According to him, the Kazakh side is ready to continue to provide the necessary support to Russian entrepreneurs, due to believe that the key to a healthy economic relationship is honesty in business.

According to Bolat Palymbetov, one of the goals of the Nusiness Ombudsman – is to assist Kazakh businessmen, who are in a difficult situation in a foreign country. As a rule, the main problems are associated with non-compliance on the part of foreign partners in the supply of goods, and financial obligations. It is necessary to create such conditions in which Kazakhstani businessman, working abroad, could know where to turn for help.

"It is essential that businesses know that there are institutions that can provide them with the necessary support. The main purpose of our meeting today was this matter precisely. Kazakhstani businessmen should be assured that they will receive the necessary support from our side in the event of violation of their rights abroad, unjustified interference in their activities by the foreign authorities", - concluded the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan.

On the proposal of the Kazakh side at the conference was signed a memorandum with a view to strengthen further cooperation in order to protect the rights of entrepreneurs on the basis of already reached agreements with respect to the maintenance of favorable conditions for business on the territory of the two states.

As assured business ombudsman Boris Titov, co-operation between the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs will be built both at the state and regional levels. "It is significant that our cooperation starts with the signing of the memorandum. This is the only case where the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in Russia and in Kazakhstan is carried out by two of the Ombudsman ", - said Boris Titov.

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