
Prime Minister of Kazakhstan proposed the topics for discussion at the Congress

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The Government of Kazakhstan is waiting for concrete proposals from NCE RK "Atameken" on the block of economic and financial issues

Prime Minister of RK Karim Masimov proposed four topics for discussion at the forthcoming Congress of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken".

"We are discussing now the issues related to the adjustment of our economic policy, that is, the relevant ministries, departments, the National Bank", - said K. Masimov, during the Government session on Tuesday.

"Probably, the National Fund, is more a matter of government agencies, but if you (NCE RK "Atameken") have some ideas, feel free to air the views. If you have a vision on the use of SAPF (Single accumulative pension fund), how entrepreneurs and banks see it, as we are now discussing the matter and close to making a decision. But, before adopting it, I would like market participants to express their views in my presence, this a second issue", - added the Prime Minister.

"Third topic is related to distressed assets funds. This is what we are discussing now, too, but those who are closer to the financial sector, can express their consolidated point of view directly at the Congress. And I would like the consolidated opinion on the Health Insurance Fund to be expressed during the Congress as well ", - said K. Massimov.

The Prime Minister expressed the hope that "the relevant opinions will be expressed regarding these four topics".

"Then after that we will take into consideration your wishes to some extent during the discussion with the Government, and we will decide together with you", - concluded Karim Masimov.

In turn, the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov noted that these issues will be touched upon during the Congress and the competent speakers are willing to air their views.

Zhanar Serdalina

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