
Timely response can save someone's business

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Meyram Pshembaev suggested to analyze the complaints and requests of entrepreneurs submitted to the state bodies

The head of the Republican Public Council for Entrepreneurship Support under the party "Nur Otan" Meyram Pshembaev during the forum of the General Prosecutor's Office has named urgent problems in the interaction of the state and business, and proposed measures to address them.

"Article 83 of the Entrepreneurial Code, effective from 1 January 2016, regulates the introduction of regulatory instruments in the field of the licensing system, and in the sphere of state control. However, experience has shown that the implementation of these standards is not carried out by state bodies, or carried out with violations and often has a formal character", - he said.

Pshembaev noted that regulatory impact analysis (RIA), which was introduced on the initiative of state bodies, will allow in the future to track their effectiveness. "In this regard we offer in conjunction with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Prosecutor General's Office on a regular basis to asses the lawfullness of the introduction of regulatory instruments by state bodies towards private entrepreneurship. If necessary, you can create separate groups for this industry. In addition, it is advisable in the near future to carry out supervisory checks on the application of the legislation by state bodies in this field", - he said.

According to the head of the Council, Article 16 of Legislation of RK "Access to Information" stipulates compulsory publication of information, including statistical databases. Today, however, the information that interests business is absent on the websites of state bodies and subjects of natural monopolies. "We receive complaints of entrepreneurs. The main issues that concerns them - that is, information about available land plots, the issuance of technical conditions, spare capacity, layouts of stalls etc. It is necessary to initiate an audit of state bodies and subjects of natural monopolies in terms of placement of the relevant electronic information at the resources”, - suggested the expert.

Pshembaev also touched on in his report such an important issue as consideration of complaints of individuals and legal entities on various economic and social issues by the state bodies. "For most entrepreneurs untimely and biased consideration of applications becomes a reason for not doing business, business closures, closure of certain individual activities and the risk of litigation. In this regard, it would be useful to develop an algorithm of joint actions of the prosecutor's office, NCE RK "Atameken", Public Council for immediate  response to poor-quality public services. It is necessary to create a webpage analyzing complaints and appeals submitted not only to Prosecutor General's Office, but also to other state agencies with an indication of the adopted measures of prosecutorial response, "- he concluded.

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