
Light industry enterprises will take the matter into their own hands

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Consortium of light industry enterprises of Kazakhstan will supply the domestic military units with uniforms

We spoke with the lawyer of the Union of manufacturers of light industry products Serik Dospaev, who spoke about how some enterprising businessmen decided to save the entire industry.

"A year ago, a group of companies united in the Union of manufacturers of light industry. We decided to work on in order to increase the share of Kazakhstan's content in the manufacture of military uniforms and other protective clothing. We united in a consortium of companies - producers of raw materials and manufacturers of finished products of light industry, which includes 5 companies. More than 20 companies are co-executors of the state defense order. We have developed a program that was presented in the Ministry of Defense, promising to fulfill the state defense order for the coming years. At the same time, we commit ourselves to use Kazakhstani raw materials", - he said.

According to Dospaev, the program will last for five years. By the end of this period it is planned to reach 100 per cent local content in the raw materials. Earlier in Kazakhstan almost no domestic raw materials were used in the performance of state defense order. Even by the results to the end of this year, military uniforms will consist by 30% of Kazakhstani raw materials.

"It is set up so that producers of raw materials distribute volumes of raw materials between the garment factories, so they could set the tone and not vice versa. If to give freedom to a garment factory, it will buy cheaper raw materials abroad. All our raw materials of high quality and fully comply with state standards", - he said.

The consortium took a commitment to supply with uniforms all military units over five years. The entrepreneurs also committed to administer the entire process. Once the Ministry of Defence handled this function. Later this work was given to the company "Kazakhstan Engineering".

Dospaev stressed that the outcome of this program will be high Kazakh content in the finished product.

"We want to extend the experience to other departments such as the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and Social Development, and the Ministry of Education and Science", - he concluded.

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