
Ivan Sauer: "The influence of "Atameken" grows"

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In Astana started the III Congress of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken"

Members of Congress note the progressive contribution of "Atameken" to the protection of legitimate interests of business

At the request of the correspondent of CEO of LLP "Agrofirm"Rodina" Ivan Sauer highly praised the work of NCE RK "Atameken".

"I'm waiting for one more confirmation (at the Congress) that we go in the right direction, that we are right. I see in everyday life that the influence of NCE RK "Atameken" constantly grows in business, in society and in the government", - said I. Sauer.

"Of course, if you listen to certain people, it seems discouraging. But they do not analyze or do not want to analyze. In fact, progress is just obvious, it is impossible not to see what is being done to promote business. By the way, I communicate with our closest colleagues within EAEU, they all envy us", - summed I. Sauer.

Zhanar Serdalina

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