
"Atameken" is ready to increase its role in “KazNexInvest”

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Thus, NCE may become the single window for domestic businesses and foreign investors

At the III Congress of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs the Chairman of the Board of "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov said to the Prime Minister Karim Masimov. "Every year, we conduct a study of the business climate. More than 6 thousand entrepreneurs from different regions of large, medium and small businesses participated in this study. 85% of them consider the contraction of demand, access to markets, the key problem of 2015. At the order of the President the Government prepared the program of countercyclical response "Nurly Zhol". Business expects that these funds will reach it, especially in coverage of local content. We ask the Government to help us in this", - he said.

Myrzakhmetov informed the Prime Minister that NCE together with akimats of all the regions established working committees to increase the proportion of local content in government procurements. However, he said, only five areas were actively involved in this work. "I would especially like to note Almaty. Almost every week the appropriate administrator of the budget comes to the Chamber, discusses the issues with domestic producers, and together they decide what products can be purchased locally. And it gives an effect. This initiative was taken up by Kostanay, Aktobe, East Kazakhstan. In Kyzylorda Akimat didn’t hold a single meeting, and tenders are in full swing. Please give instructions to keep the matter under control. This is extremely important for business", - he addressed to Karim Masimov.

The Chairman of the Board of NCE added that the Chamber made a list of domestic producers who actually pay taxes and provide employment in Kazakhstan.

"The same work goes with the Fund" Samruk-Kazyna ", it is a little more difficult due to their own procedures. A working group was formed with eight companies, which account for 94 percent of procurements. We agreed to gather every month at the First Deputy Prime Minister Bakhytzhan Sagintayev. Our task is to conclude long-term contracts for the major positions that national companies constantly buy. It might even be the basis for SPFIID-2, if the state support measures will be provided",- he said.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov stressed that in the current economic situation it is important to actively promote non-oil exports for the next markets - Russia, China, Iran and CIS countries. To do this, he said, we need to reformat the work of the national agency “KazNexInvest”, creating a single window for promotion of Kazakhstani goods to neighboring markets.

"As for “KazNexInvest” we propose to increase our participation. At you order we received 49% of shares in management in December, we are included in the board of directors. We believe that today the Chamber is ready to take on more responsibility, to get 51%, the business supports us. And to format the work of “KazNexInvest” to fit the needs of business. In some regions, Akimats transferred the functions of centers for servicing investors to our centers for servicing entrepreneurs", - he said.

According to the head of the Board of NCE RK, "Atameken" through “KazNexInvest” and Office of the center for servicing investors could be a one-stop shop for domestic businesses and foreign investors.

"158 people are employed today at “KazNexInvest” with a budget of 3.3 billion tenge. Central office of NCE has 215 people, and also the budget of 3 billion tenge. Over the last 5 years 18 billion tenge were allocated for the maintenance of “KazNexInvest”. To say that it suits the business ... There are, of course, the results, but in the present circumstances, when it is necessary to explore actively markets, it seems to me, we could carry out such work", - he said.

A. Myrzakhmetov also drew attention of the Prime Minister to increase of the pressure on the business. According to him, the Chamber received 150 complaints on pseudoentrepreneurship. In the East Kazakhstan region 50 billion of additional fines and penalties were accrued on this article. "It actually puts the business on the brink of bankruptcy, there are so many companies only in EKR. It is a serious problem that troubles the business. This article must either be put on the loss or reformed to relief honest taxpayers from such retrospective punishments", - said the head of the Board of NCE.

"If we talk about pressure, we see that virtually doubled the number of criminal cases against businesses. However, only 20% of them are brought to trial. That is, eight of 10 entrepreneurs experience pressure", - he said.

At the end of the report Ablay Myrzakhmetov asked the head of the Government to support the introduction of the institution of pre-trial appeal, to conduct audits of all supervisory functions and anti-corruption expertise of legal acts.

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