
From 1st of July the tourists can get to the top of Khan Tengri from Kazakhstani side

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With the active work NCE RK was opened the road to the top of the central Tien Shan

In connection with recent events in Kyrgyzstan in 2010, the bridge across the border river Karkar to the mountain area Char Kuduk was closed. As a result, the tourist resources of Kazakhstan - the mountains of Central Tien-Shan and its top Khan Tengri were not available for foreign and local climbers from Kazakhstan. Using this situation, the Kyrgyz tour operators actively promoted inbound tourism, taking foreign tourists to the mountains of Central Tien Shan from Kyrgyzstani side.

To solve this problem NCE RK together with the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan developed an intergovernmental agreement between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic "On the procedure for the regulation of the state border crossing by tourist groups on cross-border points and use of public trails on the border" for the purpose of the annual opening of the seasonal entry to the routes in 5 locations (bridge over the river Karkar in the mountain are Char Kuduk, merging river Kokzhar and Chon-Dzhanalach; Ashutor pass; Sarybulak pass, pass Ozernyi) for groups of tourists by the approved mountain tourist routes in summer alpine season from 1st of June  to 1st of October.

Currently, this agreement is being coordinated from the Kyrgyz side. Prior to the entry into force of the Intergovernmental Agreement, in order to avoid disruption of the mountain tourist season in Kazakhstan during the years 2013-16, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs jointly with the Border Service of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan conducted active work on the opening of crossing points for the season at the Central Tien Shan to allow organized foreign groups of tourists. From July 1 to September 1, 2016 the tourists have the opportunity to get to the top of Khan Tengri from Kazakhstan.

In this regard, the director of the international mountaineering camp "Khan Tengri", president of the Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing Kazbek Valiev sent a letter of thanks to NCE for assistance in the development of international environmental tourism in the Central Tien Shan.

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