
Timur Kulibayev: "Surgical work on regulatory legal acts will reduce administrative barriers"

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Excessive control functions of state bodies create ground for "non-transparent" relationship

This was stated by the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Kulibayev at the meeting with the entrepreneurs of Akmola.

According to Timur Kulibayev, since the establishment NCE has received over 12 thousand requests, and only 3800 were resolved in favor of entrepreneurs. The head of "Atameken" believes that this fact violations on the part of state bodies.

"Basically, these are land issues, participation in public procurement, redundant control and supervisory functions of state bodies. It turned out that 61 bodies (45 at the central level, 16 – at the regional) perform control and supervision functions. Only the sanitary and epidemiological service has 8000 thousand requirements with which the entrepreneur must comply. Of course, these creates the conditions for non-transparent relations", - said Timur Kulibayev.

If we talk about this issue in the context of regions, about 32% of business applications to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Akmola region were on land relations and architecture. According to Acting Director of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs, the Chairman of the Regional Council of Kazbek Yeskendirov, the reasons for this number of applications lie in the absence of developed detailed planning projects (DPP), integrated circuits, which is why some entrepreneurs order DPP themselves, and the amount of their production ranges from 5 to 15 million tenge.

In addition, there is no information about the available land plots and no auctions are held to sell them. For example, during 2013-2015 in Kokshetau was held only 1 auction, and 66 in the region, as a result of which were sold about 340 land plots. For comparison: there were held 86 auctions and were sold 532 land plots in East Kazakhstan region, in SKR were held  - 56 auctions and were sold 828 land plots.

Problems also exist in the field of public procurement.

"It's - late payment, creation of barriers by customers for the supplier to fail to meet the contractual obligations, as well as poor-quality preparation of the tender documentation without taking into account the range of domestic producers", - stated Kazbek Eskendirov.

"We will work on all of these issues systematically, we surgically work on each regulatory legal act, we will consider licensing and control functions of state bodies. And I think you will feel the result, maybe not immediately, but within a year for sure. We are keen to show work on support of entrepreneurs and reduction of barriers to combat corruption ", - said Timur Kulibayev.

The head of "Atameken" also reported that an expert commission, involving representatives of NCE RK "Atameken" and the General Prosecutor's Office will be set up under the Ministry of Finance.

"We addressed the Government to consider the establishment pre-trial dispute resolution mechanisms under state bodies, including tax issues. The ultimate goal is the same - the settlement of disputes out of court ", - said Timur Kulibayev.

In turn, the deputy Akim of the region Kadirkhan Otarov promised to strengthen the dialogue between the local authorities and the regional business community.

"Today the regional chamber of entrepreneurs is a platform for discussion and resolution of all issues, where are held meetings of representatives of state bodies and business structures. It seems that in the future such events will only contribute to our cooperation", - assured the deputy Akim of the region, addressing the head of "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev.

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