
The villagers will ensure workload of dairy plants

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The Ministry of Agriculture proposed the use of private farms for loading of processing plants with raw materials

Ensuring effective employment of the rural population, the use of the potential of private farms to increase the production of agricultural products and food security - these topics were discussed today at a meeting of the Government.

Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture Askar Myrzakhmetov offered to send funds within the program "Employment Road Map - 2020" for the creation of agricultural cooperatives. It is proposed to open on their basis milk collecting stations and family feedlots.

"Up to 80% of the milk is produced in the private backyards. Workload of dairy plants amounts to 60%, if you fully load them, they can process additional 680,000 tons of milk", - said the minister at a government meeting on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Karim Masimov said that this is a very important question. "Within industrialization it is essential that the plant is not only built, but also works. I think your proposal makes it possible to load the operating enterprises", - said Karim Massimov.

According to the Minister of Agriculture, there are 152 dairy processing enterprises operate in Kazakhstan, of which 93 agreed to purchase milk at private farms. Continuing the theme of creating a network of agricultural cooperatives, A. Myrzakhmetov added that this will ensure 3 year employment of more than 160 thousand people at private farms. And the private farms will be able to receive income from sale of milk on a regular basis. Work load of the diary plant can be increased from 64% to 84%, which will increase production of processed products by 30%. The Ministry of Agriculture said that they also discussed the possible registration of villagers as individual entrepreneurs to participate in agricultural cooperatives.

"Private farms – when it’s possible should change the status to an individual entity. Why I say when it’s possible, if some private farmer sells milk, it is clear, we can’t ask him to change the status to an individual entity, as he simply sells milk", - explained the Minister.

"As for the meat, family feedlots - we can put conditions to change the staus, as they get loans", - added the Minister.

As for family feedlots - 32 thousand objects are planned to be created, which, according to the calculations of the Ministry of Agriculture, will help to produce about 100 thousand tons of beef and create 65 thousand permanent jobs. Workload of processing plants can reach almost the maximum.

Zhanar Serdalina

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