
Businessmen of Mangistau and West Kazakhstan unite

- Mangistau Region
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Mangistau and West Kazakhstan regions have agreed on inter-regional cooperation

A delegation headed by Akim of West Kazakhstan region Altai Kulginov arrived to Aktau to discuss inter-regional cooperation.

Acting Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Olzhas Karzhauov visited the Center for Servicing Entrepreneurs "Mangistau", briefed on the main services provided by the CSE, as well as plans of further expansion of the services provided for business.

Opening the meeting, Akim of Mangistau region Alik Aidarbayev described the economic situation in the region and noted the positive dynamics of socio-economic development of the region. He highlighted the presence of the Caspian Sea with the sea ports in Aktau, Bautino and Kuryk and new railway lines Zhezkazgan-Beineu and Uzen - the state border with Turkmenistan as the factors contributing to the development of the transport and logistics potential of Mangystau.

The leaders of major industrial enterprises of WKR presented the guests with their production, in particular, LLP "ZenitTekhServis" (mechanical engineering), LLP "Topan" (production of caustic soda), LLP "BatysMarkaLamb" (food processing) and LLP "Batis Product" (production of confectionery) .

The chief of department on work with investors of LLP "CSE" Mangistau" Aynur Tumysheva spoke about the economic potential of the Mangistau region and the investment attractiveness of the region for foreign capital injections.

Chairman of the Board of JSC "SEZ Seaport Aktau" Amirbek Tolegenov explained the advantages and benefits for enterprises in terms of development of production at the territory of the special economic zone.

The results of meeting of leadership and businessmen of the two western regions were the signing of memorandums of understanding and cooperation between the regional Akimat, Akimat of West Kazakhstan and JSC "SEC Caspian" and between LLP "Topan" and JSC "SEZ" Seaport Aktau ".

"Cooperation between our Akimats, individual enterprises and, in general, between the business communities of the West Kazakhstan and Mangystau, I am sure, will only benefit the region's economy", - shared his opinion O. Karzhauov.

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