
Non-governmental standards for the protection of domestic producers are developed in Kazakhstan

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The "Atameken" explained the use of various types of standards by domestic enterprises

The round table organized by the Kazakhstani Institute of Standardization and Certification in collaboration with the Department of manufacturing of NCE RK "Atameken", was attended by representatives of industry engineering associations - Engineering Union of Kazakhstan, Association of cable factories in Kazakhstan, the Association of the Kazakhstani car business, KazAvtoProm and enterprise JSC "Agromash Holding", LLP " Alageum electric”, LLP" Trading company KamAZ ", PC "Tselingidromash", LLP " Böhmer Armaturen Kazakhstan", LLP" Kazakhstan center of certification railway transport" and others.

Sectoral associations got an explanation of the procedure for the application of various types of standards for domestic enterprises with regard to their protection in the domestic and foreign markets. So, RSE "KazInSt" presented methods of application of international standards and standards of foreign states, the new legal requirements for public procurement for the formation of technical specifications based on national guidance and non-government standards with the use of the Unified nomenclature directory of goods and services. The roundtable participants approved the work conducted in this direction by RSE "KazInSt”.

Following the discussion, it decided to continue the work on clarification of the application of the standards in the other manufacturing industries, it is also planned to conduct in the regions, together with RCE similar round tables on the explanations of the application of standards by domestic enterprises.

RSE "KazInSt" together with NCE RK "Atameken" asked to consider a list of purchased goods and services  in 2017 in engineering industry and to determine the domestic companies that produce the products on the use of normative documents for standardization.

They spoke about the need to develop non-governmental standards to protect domestic producers.

They outlined plans for the formation of a list of missing product groups for inclusion in the plan of state standardization in 2017.

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