
Bolat Palymbetov: "Our task is to ensure that the state and business are in harmony"

- City of Shymkent
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The Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan paid a working visit to Shymkent, where he discussed with entrepreneurs and government agencies options for improving business conditions

At the reporting meeting of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region with the local business community Bolat Palymbetov asked the regional entrepreneurs, what hinders the development of entrepreneurship.

The major part of complaints from the South Kazakhstani businessmen arrive to Astana regarding permits for land, public procurement and taxation. Meanwhile, according to the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, all these problems can be solved in the regions through pre-trial regulation. Discussing with the local business community, problems of regional business, Bolat Palymbetov asked entrepreneurs to report on existing barriers for business.

"I came here not to teach you and to say some high flown words, I want to hear you and understand what else to do, so that business has easier conditions to work in", - Bolat Palymbetov opened the meeting with these words.

However, the entrepreneurs of SKR can carry out their activities without any problems. To confirm this words the Business Ombudsman cited the findings of the independent rating "Business colimate", according to which the South Kazakhstan region is in first place for financial resources, on the 3rd place – for the administrative regulation and state support, on the 9th place – for real estate and infrastructure, on the 8th place – for human resources. In general, as for the condition of the business environment, the South Kazakhstan region has improved its performance in the four positions, moving from 10th place to 6th.

Within the rating "Business climate" was also assessed the level of corruption through the eyes of entrepreneurs.

"According to this indicator, the South Kazakhstan region is on the 9th place on the highest level of corruption, this is not a bad indicator", - said director of the department of public monitoring and work with administrative barriers NCE RK "Atameken" Erbol Ustemirov.

At the same time the respondents named the most corrupt bodies in the South Kazakhstan region: sanitary-epidemiological service (18, 4%), the tax authorities (17.8) and local executive bodies (16%). According to respondents, the greatest pressure from the state bodies experience entrepreneurs engaged in the construction and processing industries.

According to the analysis of RCE of SKR, during which were studies appeals of entrepreneurs, the most systemic problems of business arise in the area of ​​tax administration, public procurement, land relations, construction, architecture and urban planning, licensing procedures, etc. Many questions arose from the local business community about the state’s participation in business activity.

The Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov noted that the interaction between business and state is one of the most important factors of sustainable development of the country. Therefore, we must give entrepreneurs the opportunity to engage in business activities. "Businessmen do not have to run around the corridors in order to get endless licensing documents, they have to produce and to build," - said the Business Ombudsman.

He said that our task to ensure that the state has mutual understanding with the business.

"In South Kazakhstan region – has the largest percentage of business representatives in the regional maslikhat - 86 percent! You should benefit from it: it is possible to pass through certain business decisions or regional programs. I think this is also an indication of the interaction of business and the state", - said the Business Ombudsman.

We must admit that the National Chamber of entrepreneurs provides big help In this direction. Employees of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan actively defend the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs. Their work revealed many violations of the law. Unjustified inspections of entrepreneurs decreased.

In total NCE has developed and proposed more than 1,100 amendments to existing legislation, 850 of which were approved. With the participation of NCE was prepared a series of laws, which allowed to reduce significantly administrative barriers and to solve business problems.

At the local level, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region during 2015-2016 protected the rights of 376 businesses that helped entrepreneurs to save more than 1.8 billion tenge.

Entrepreneurs, engaged in the sale of fuel, raised the pressing issue of pseudo-entrepreneurship. A group of businessmen from 40 people previously addressed to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKR for help after they were found contractors of a pseudo-entrepreneur and tax authorities imposed a huge fine on them. At the initiative of NCE RK "Atameken" and the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, Attorney General's Office intervened in solution of the problem, and only after this issue has moved forward. Entrepreneurs noted that they got convinced of the authority of such a powerful structure as NCE RK "Atameken" and the institution of the Ombudsman.

Bolat Palymbetov, listening to the problems of representatives of business circles of the region, said that the institution of the Business Ombudsman has wide powers in the process of interaction of the state authorities with the business. And it should ensure stable growth of business activity.

"The Business Ombudsman, of course, first and foremost, protects businesses against illegal acts, but at the same time, we would like to see relations between the state and business as a source of economic development and solution of social problems", - said B. Palymbetov.

The meeting was held in a format of an open dialogue with the business. The peculiarity of the meeting was detailed review and study of business questions, suggestions and specific requests. It was followed by the personal reception of entrepreneurs.

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