
- City of Shymkent
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The head of the "Atameken" NCE RK Timur Kulibayev appealed to the producers of South Kazakhstan region to participate actively in the agricultural cooperative movement in order to compete successfully in the border markets.

As the head of the National Chamber stated at a meeting of the regional chamber in Shymkent, "Atameken", together with the akimat, evolves a map of the regional development, which will reflect the issues of local products processing and joint sales.

"This issue is very urgent, especially now, when the border with Uzbekistan and its competitive products opens. In this regard, we need to support domestic producers through cooperation, processing, storage and marketing of products. Together with "Atameken" and the akimat of South Kazakhstan, we need to create successful examples of cooperation in agriculture and disseminate this experience in all regions," - Timur Kulibayev stated.

The state and quasi-public sector orders will become an effective tool for supporting local producers, according to the head of the National Chamber. Atameken is working to ensure that Kazakhstani companies take part in the orders at the level of design estimate specifications. Such a process must be actively applied in the South Kazakhstan region.  

"Now the United States is returning production, which used to be located in other countries to its territory, in order to support the employment of its population. The same thing happens in Europe and in Russia, which is actively engaged in import substitution because of sanctions. We also have the tools to support the domestic manufacturer, first of all, due to the provision of long-term contracts. It is necessary to provide the participation of local business in the state and large enterprises' purchases, such as, for example, Kazatomprom," - the Chairman of the Presidium of the "Atameken" remarked.

He cited as an example the work of the "Zhasampaz" consortium, where, for two years, the share of local content increased by 52%. This is one of the obligations, coupled with the modernization of production and the creation of new workplaces, which the consortium took over instead of a long-term government defense order.

Separately, the head of Atameken focused on employment issues. SKR is one of the densely populated regions of the country, so a lot of emphasis should be placed on involving people in entrepreneurship, including basic business training. For this purpose, the Bastau project has been successfully implemented across the country. Since the beginning of the new academic year, a program on teaching high school students the basics of entrepreneurship and business will be approved.    

"How can people be employed and, at the same time, how to make them engaged in productive work? To let them feed themselves and stand on their own feet? Entrepreneurship is one of the broad niches where it is possible to realize the people potential. For South Kazakhstan, this is very important because the region has the highest birth rate in the country," - Timur Kulibayev highlighted.  

The issues of personnel training at enterprises were also touched upon.

"In Kazakhstan, 824 colleges and 107 billion tenge are allocated for training. We reached an agreement with the Government that during the formation of the state order 50% of the business participation will be ensured, which will determine the specialties and their number necessary for their enterprises. It is this approach in vocational education that will allow students to be confident in further employment, and enterprises in providing the necessary specialists," - Timur Kulibayev reported.

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