
An important law for business

- Almaty Region
7844 просмотров

Today is anniversary of the adoption of the law "On the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

An important business document was adopted by the Head of State on 4th of July 2013. The President signed legislative amendments on the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, which were developed in order to bring a number of legislative acts in accordance with the law "On the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan".

According to the business community of Almaty region, the adoption of the law on NCE contributed to the creation of favorable conditions for business development.

"Until today, presentation of reports was a big headache for farms, not to mention the development of business plans and obtaining of preferential loans. We do not know who we will consult us, especially to defend our interests, when disputes arise. Now it is a completely different situation. NCE since its foundation has become a reliable assistant, adviser and advocate for entrepreneurs. Now we know that there is always someone to protect and to support us", - said the head of the farm "Ilyamov" Husain Ilyamov. Just recently, the local branch helped him to get fertilizers, which lawfully belong to him.

As says the head of IE "Khamraev S." Saifullah Khamraev, the law on NCE effectively systematic business problems.

"Prior to the adoption of the law on NCE, there was no authority regulating entrepreneurial activity, providing support to business. Any draft regulations created by government agencies, which can affect entrepreneurs from now on must pass the expertise at the Chamber. No leader will sign the document until it has received the opinion of NCE experts, who verify whether the law violates any rights of the business, not imposing additional obstacles and barriers ", - said the businessman.

Raushan Zhakupbaeva from Eskeldi District believes that "Atameken" has real support for rural entrepreneurship. A participant of a new microcredit program has recently received 5 million tenge.

"I am engaged in agriculture for more than ten years. But, as it turned out, I do not know much. After a consultation at the Chamber of Entrepreneurs I learnt about innovations and the opportunities.

I got convinced of the fact that the projects and programs with participation of "Atameken" – are the most transparent and fair, when my loan application has been finally approved, which I could not get in any bank for years. Now these funds will be used for the cultivation of sugar beet", - said the businesswoman.

According to the entrepreneurs of the region, "Atameken" has become an interactive platform where they can not only discuss urgent issues, but quickly solve problems with involvement of representatives of local and state authorities.

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