
Bolat Palymbetov: "There should not be work for the sake of putting a tick in the box"

- Karaganda Region
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The Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan met with entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region

... Local authorities in Shet district tried to reregister a businessman’ property  on another person's name, and when it turned out that it was illegal, they suggested the former owner  to get it back at the tender. A business woman from Temirtau complained on state bodies, which unfairly and selectively fined her company, but do not care about business at all, despite the impressive amounts of taxes that the company pays. And another entrepreneur from the same Temirtau is seeking protection from law enforcement bodies, but her case has no precedent, so she was advised to deal with the problem herself.

More than a hundred entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region have come to voice their questions and concerns at a meeting with the Business Ombudsman Bolat Palymbetov. The meeting where representatives of businesses of various types lasted almost three hours.

The dialogue began with the question about the tariffs of monopolists - the most important issues for Karaganda entrepreneurs. They informed the Commissioner that public hearings with the monopolists are conducted rarely, and not as it is required by law.

"As for tariffs, the rules of the game will be uniform for all. Why do they make a secret of tariff rates? I do not understand. In the near future I will have a meeting with the competition authority, and I'll find out why such a situation could arise at all", - said in response Bolat Palymbetov.

The expert of the departmental commission on entrepreneurship in the Government Gulnara Kurbanbaeva made a proposal, which, in her opinion, should improve the efficiency of local councils.

"We have a huge number of advisory bodies in the regions, in the compositions of which are included representatives of local authorities, state bodies, entrepreneurs. This is a significant help for the Business Ombudsman. Many issues can be solved there. Today, they are formal and do not carry out their tasks. Unfortunately, both the Chamber and the public organizations and state agencies simply report that they held 20-30-40 meetings, reviewed 20-30 thousands questions. But there is no systematic approach and a clear systematic assessment of the effectiveness of the work of advisory bodies. And the Business Ombudsman – is the body that can make them work ", - believes the expert.

Bolat Palymbetov agreed with Mrs. Kurbanbaeva.

"There should not be work for the sake of putting a tick in the box. I fully agree that these bodies should, in fact, resolve something. More than 90% of the problems that come to us, these are issues that can be solved at the local level. And I note that it is necessary to exert maximum efforts in order to solve the problems without bringing them to Astana. If you have already bypassed all instances, did everything to solve it but it didn’t work, the head office will deal with the matter. If you say that the orders of the authorities do not comply with the law, let’s faster resolve this problem and cancel such order", - said the Business Ombudsman.

Well-known Karaganda lawyer Hassan Shtymov is interested in legal status of the meeting.

"Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region turned to the real issues. To avoid the feeling of hopelessness, it is necessary to clarify what is the procedural and legal status of this meeting? What we can hope for? "- he addressed to B. Palymbetov.

"Every question is recorded and taken under control. No question, voiced here will be left without my attention ", - concluded the Business Ombudsman.

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