
Hold stronger the steering wheel, driver!

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A driver of Donsk Mining and Processing Plant dedicated the victory in the competition of professional skills to the Capital Day

On the eve of the Day of Astana in Khromtau was held the competition of professional skills of JSC "TNK" Kazchrome" among "MAZ" truck drivers. And for the first time in the history a worker with experience of only six months won the first place such a difficult competition.

"I am very glad that I won first place and was the best driver. I was very worried about the practical task. We prepared for a long time, and I want to thanks for that Yerzhan Kuntaev - an engineer of road transport and mechanisms. He helped us a lot, gave advice, and was preparing us. I dedicate my victory to the Capital Day and the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan", - said the winner of the first place Asylan Nurmakhanov.

Just eight professional drivers that have become winners of the qualifying rounds in the branches of the company - mine group "Kazmarganets", Donsk GOK, Aksu and Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant - competed in the heavy-duty machine control skills. The competition traditionally consisted of two parts - theory and practice. The first test for the participants were related to the set up of the car, according to the rules of traffic and safety, which are of particular importance in terms of industrial production. The practical task was more difficult, the contestants had to cope with such a task, as performing a "snake" forward and backward.

"Today, we have identified the best driver of the company. Everything was important: the theory and practice. Such moments - as the alarm switch when reversing, use of a seat belt, speed and flawless execution of maneuvers - were key in determining the best. After all, in a real work, all of these indicators are essential to comply with industrial safety regulations. Such competitions help to identify promising and highly qualified employees", - said the deputy head of the department of labor protection of JSC" TNK "Kazchrome" Vyacheslav Sharikov.

As a result of the competition the second and third places were won by Kanat Kaniyev from Aktobe ferroalloys plant and Serik Zhumagaliyev from Donsk GOK.

This year's innovation in the competition of professional skill, organized by “Kazchrome", are different nominations during a year. Previously, the participants competed in different nominations of the competition at the same time.

Earlier in March of this year, machinists of the cranes of the Aktobe ferroalloys plant competed, in July drivers of trucks "MAZ" from Donsk GOK demonstrated their abilities. Their competition will be held in October on the basis of the mine group "Kazmarganets". Holders of prize places from "Kazchrome" will defend the honor of the company's professional skills in the ERG prestigious competition "Altyn Cor", which will also be held in October on the basis of one of the enterprises of the Eurasian Group.

The main purpose of the competition, which is held annually among skilled labour workers, is to increase the prestige of working professions, the labor status of the person, performance and motivation among employees of subsidiaries of the company.

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