
To create conditions for business

- Pavlodar Region
16447 просмотров

How comfortably do Pavlodar businessmen work today?

This issue has become particularly relevant at the meeting of the Business Ombudsman of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov with entrepreneurs in the region.

"At the end of 2015 Pavlodar region in the rating "Business Climate" is on the 4th place", - said director of the department of public monitoring and work with administrative barriers NCE RK "Atameken" Erbol Ustemirov.

It should be noted that the study of favorable conditions for business development in the region was carried out using internationally recognized methodologies for assessment of business environment, including methodologies of the World Bank, the Bank of America, the United Kingdom Government, well-known companies, Ernst & Young, Financial times.

It is quite important that the assessment of the level of comfort of business conditions and gave entrepreneurs themselves.

Erbol Ustemirov said that by the perception of Pavlodar businessmen and the number of complaints the problems related to tax administration come first. Entrepreneurs also noted the largest number of difficulties that rise with architecture and urban development (30%). The emergency authorities come on the third place (25.7%).

Identification and elimination of administrative barriers in the development of entrepreneurship, is one of the main activities of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs and recently created institution of the Commissioner for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs.

"In general, the administrative office of the Ombudsman conducts systematic and fruitful work on the identification and reduction of administrative barriers in business. Any initiatives in this regard are welcome and will be worked out in detail", - said Erbol Ustemirov.

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