
More than 30% of applicants for entrepreneurial grants are women

- North-Kazakhstan Region
9215 просмотров

Today the Competition Commission for the selection of applications for grants under the state program "Business Road Map - 2020" began its work

The total amount of allocated grants this year is about 16 million tenge. 46 entrepreneurs applied for the grant, 14 of which are women. Businesswomen have different ideas. For example, IE "Malika" from G. Musrepov district sews the Kazakh national dresses, Lydia Sheremet from Aiyrtau district wants to grow fruits and berries at her farm "Sheremet", Nazgul Kurmanova intends to recycle plastic bottles, Lyazzat Zhanbulova from Zhambyl district dreams to grow strawberries by the Finnish technology. There are female candidates, who have projects in the chemical industry. So, Gulshat Shakirovs from Kyzylzhar district plans to produce a disinfectant and water with antioxidant properties, treated by electrochemical activation. However, the North Kazakhstani women entrepreneurs intend to manufacture concrete products, to engage in breeding of camels, as well as to organize a circuit for teaching driving and to open a rehabilitation center "Zhenis” for children with special needs.

The composition of the commission includes the members of the Regional Council of Business Women Laura Kairzhanova, Vice Rector for Research and External Relations of the North-Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybaev and Kuralai Zharov, deputy head of the business and tourism management. Deputy Director for Economic Affairs of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of NKR Marat Iskakov is the Chairman of the Commission. Recommendations of the Commission on financing of projects are sent for consideration to the Regional Coordination Council of NKR.

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