
What should rice growers of Kyzylorda be aware of?

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Russia's leading breeder of rice held a seminar for farmers in Kyzylorda

At the invitation of the the Center of Agrarian Competence of NCE RK "Atameken" the doctor of agricultural sciences, an agronomist with experience and part-time deputy director of the Russian Research Institute of Rice RAAS Viktor Kovalev told domestic farmers about advanced technologies and effective methods to protect rice crops from pests and diseases.

"There are pests, which you should fight in the right time. There are agronomic, chemical methods. If you apply them correctly, you can save water and ensure safety of rice from these pests. At the seminar, we discussed the characteristics of pests, weeds and methods of dealing with them", - said Kovalev in an interview to

According to him, modern methods of controlling pests and diseases of rice allow to eliminate all problems in just one treatment. "In particular, it is possible to destroy weeds, to prevent diseases and pests - is a system of combat, which allows to obtain high yield", - added the expert.

Viktor Kovalev works in All-Russian Research Institute of rice for 43 years, he is a leading breeder of rice in Russia. The main focus of his research is to create rice varieties that are resistant to stressors, high-yielding, suitable for cultivation on intensive technologies. He developed and justified a morphophysiological model of a variety for intensive cultivation technology, consisting of more than 50 parameters. The State Register of Breeding Achievements, approved for use in the Russian Federation, there are 51 varieties of rice, 33 of which are Kuban selection, including 10 varieties, the author of which is Viktor Kovalev. By increasing the yield of varieties, over the last 5 years Kovalev received additional 230 thousand tonnes of paddy in the amount of 3.5 billion rubles. Viktor Kovalev - the author of over 100 scientific papers, has 27 patents and 30 certificates of authorship different rice varieties.

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was entrusted with the task to establish an effective system of dissemination of knowledge in the field of agriculture. In this regard, NCE created Center of Agrarian Competence, the main activity of which is organization of courses for professional development of agro-entrepreneurs, development of training programs and methods aimed at teaching practical skills of application of advanced technologies by farmers.

In addition, the Center of Agrarian Competence will provide information and consultations to agribusiness entities, it will conduct analytical studies of agribusiness markets, attract foreign experts and specialists to exchange experiences and to develop practical recommendations for farmers.

This year, the Center of Agrarian Competence will hold 666 seminars in 25 priority areas of agro-industrial complex on the basis of the country's leading farms covering about 10 thousand subjects of agrarian and industrial complex.

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