
The prosecutor's office will protect

- Almaty Region
9229 просмотров

Since the opening of the branch of the Chamber in Alakol district, prosecutor's office has become a major partner within the line of the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs

This was told by the director of the branch Mukhtar Adik at meeting on introduction of provisions of the District Council of Entrepreneurs. Thus, according to him, a mobile group was created in the district, which quickly responds to appeals of business.

"I would like to note the active cooperation of the district prosecutor's office with the local branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs. Each application of an entrepreneur is carefully studied. The close cooperation of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the prosecutor’s office was noted at the last forum in June at the General Prosecutor's Office, which was dedicated to the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs", - said the prosecutor of Alakol district Dastan Tursynov.

In February of this year the district prosecutor's office defended the interests of the business entity. The audit found a violation on the part of the Department of Finance of Alakol district. As a result of improper preparation of contract, the entrepreneur monthly had to pay rent for the premises in the excessive amount. The contract has to be brought into line with the requirements of the law.

Views and suggestions of businessmen were also voiced. Thus, the head of the farm "Aman" Aryntay Turarov noted that the Chamber of entrepreneurs should pay special attention to non-executable credit conditions.

"The lack of funding and lack of access remains for us the main problem that's lasted for years. Well, thanks to you reduced the number of permits and procedures. But now you need to think about how to enable peasants to get loans on favorable terms and conditions for business, as the current requirements of the second tier banks unrealistic. Even after the approval, the funds are awarded very late, when the money is not needed", - outraged farmers. Also, according to him, the loans must be issued based on a particular industry, the specificity of directions.

Director of RCE Lazzat Chinkisbaeva noted that to address the Chamber suggested the akimat of the region to create its own microfinance institution. This offer is actively discussing the administration of the region, and soon co-MFI may appear in the Almaty region.

Within the framework of her working visit, the director of RCE took note of the activities of pre-school institution "Korkem" in Usharal. The kindergarten has been opened within the program of public-private partnership.

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