
"Lessons" for a farmer

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Toleutai Rakhimbekov told everything about training of the Kazakh agrarians

The head of the Center of Agrarian Competence of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" answered the questions of journalists during an informal meeting at the site of NCE. The meeting was also attended by "Atameken" experts in the field of agro-industrial complex.

According to Rakhimbekov, the Centre of Agrarian Competence conducted about 140 seminars in almost all regions of Kazakhstan, which were attended by about two thousand farmers. In general, at the end of the year it is planned to hold 670 seminars covering 10 thousand AIC subjects.

Answering journalists' questions, he said that, on the whole, in Kazakhstan were created good conditions for farmers. This benign tax regime and government support measures. Creation of the Center of Agrarian Competence - is also one of the measures of state support. Farmers participate in the seminars for free.

Rakhimbekov spoke in detail about how you can take part in workshops for farmers. "In order to take part in our workshops, there is no need to submit any documents, to fill anything in. The first option is to apply to the District Chamber of entrepreneurs. You can also give suggestions on what questions they would like to receive information, as well as proposals for state support measures. As seminars, it is only one of the components of the concept of extension. This system also requires a feedback, that is what we don’t have enough of", - he said.

Also, according to experts, to attend the seminars you can call to a single call-center of NCE RK "Atameken" by number 59-79-60. Call from anywhere in Kazakhstan is free, without dialing code of Astana. The only difference: from Almaty, you have to dial 259-79-60. The third option - you can apply online. "We have launched a web portal for farmers -, where everyone can come and leave the application to participate in a workshop with all your wishes, questions and suggestions", - he said.

Rakhimebekov noted that seminars are held on the territory of the base of advanced economies. To do this before beginning of the course, by the proposal of industry associations had formed a list of 97 basic agrarian formations.

Reporters asked: do all advanced farmers agree to share their knowledge and technology? "Not all perceive it with cheer, of course, there is a healthy conservatism in the villagers. Some believe that if other players will come, they will yield will start to fall. Anything can happen. Realizing this, the money were put in the budget for reimbursement of basic farms: 97 thousand tenge per day of a seminar.. Some refuse, but these are single cases. 3-4 farms out of 100", - said the director of the Center of Agrarian Competence.

He also stressed the need to constantly upgrade the skills of lecturers in matters such as public speaking skills, ability to work with a large audience, etc. Note that as the speakers are the specialists of aforementioned basic farms, teachers of educational institutions, scholars and other experts. "We want to create three training centers: for the southern regions - Almaty-on the basis of KazNAU, for the west - on the basis of the West-Kazakhstan Technical University, for the north and east - on the basis of KazATU named after S. Seifullin. By the way, experts do not work for free, they get a 3 thousand tenge per one hour of a workshop.

"This program provides workshops within 25 priority areas. 13 cattle breeding, 12- plant growing. For this purpose, we employ 25 local experts - scientists, specialists of major industry associations, leaders of the most successful agricultural enterprises. We also engaged 25 foreign experts from Germany, Australia, Canada, France, Serbia, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries", - said Rakhimbekov.

According to him, the Centre has set the task to the experts in the development of curriculum methods, in addition to purely technological issues, they had to include three sections: economic efficacy, state support measures and cooperation in agriculture.

With regard to agricultural cooperation, Toleutai Rakhimbekov voiced his opinion. "When the first law was passed, many thought that collective farms would re-established. Our people somewhere on the genetic level have a rejection of collectivization, so many took this idea with caution. In fact, we say this: if farmers want to unite production, it is necessary to interfere. But farmers should cooperate for separate functions. They retain their independence, they are engaged in the production of agricultural products, and the cooperative solves their problems", - he said.

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