
Mediation as an alternative way of dispute resolution

- Mangistau Region
14657 просмотров

At the site of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs was held a seminar-training "Mediation procedure and tools of a mediator to resolve disputes and disagreements"

A professional mediator, the head of the NGO "International Human Rights Center", the chairman of Association of Legal Entities "Association of Mediators of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Zhandilda Zhakupov explained to entrepreneurs the concept "mediation", spoke about the functions of the mediator and its role in the conflict settlement, benefits and examples of dispute resolution techniques and tools of the procedure mediation between the conflicting parties.

"The solution, found as a result of mediation, is always made by the parties of the dispute, it reflects their interests, needs, based on the law, but because such a decision is always a viable and enforceable. That mediation accelerates the process of finding a mutually satisfactory solution, minimizes risks and losses for all parties", - said Zh. Zhakupov.

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