
NCE congratulated builders with the professional holiday

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In 2016 Builder's Day falls on 14h of August

On the eve of the celebration of the Builder’s Day the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" awarded the representatives of professional associations and major construction companies of Kazakhstan with letters of merit for their contribution to the development of the construction industry of Kazakhstan, as well as active collaboration with NCE.

"Dear friends! Let me congratulate you with great pleasure on your professional holiday – the Builder's Day! We know construction terms since childhood. We "build relationships", "put the foundation" of our knowledge, "build roads" in the bright future. The abundance of such expressions in everyday use suggests that this profession – is one of the most relevant", - said Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva, addressing the audience.

She noted that traditionally before the professional holiday builders are congratulated by the authorized body in the person of the Ministry of National Economy and the Committee for Construction.

This year, NCE, in addition to the awards of the regulator initiated distribution of Letters of merit to representatives of professional associations and large construction companies, including regional. "Separately, we thank all those who contributed to the construction industry, with the active collaboration with NCE RK "Atameken". Across Kazakhstan such letters of NCE will be handed over to 122 professionals", - said the deputy chairman of the Chamber Board.

Yuliya Yakupbaeva listed the main results of the joint work of NCE with industry associations, including the reform in the field of construction expertise, the development of a single instrument in the field of construction, development of proposals for a new housing program.

Representatives of industry associations also congratulated their colleagues on the upcoming holiday.

"Our task – is to return to the construction sites the spirit of innovation, creativity and creation. After all, our job is to do and is designed to create, to give to friends cities and towns for a good memory. Thanks to the National Chamber we have found an opportunity to gather here in a narrow circle of people to congratulate us. Let’s hope that in the future under the banner of NCE, we - all businessmen in the construction industry will be able to stand up and lift the whole economy ", - said the president of Association of Legal Entities "National Association for the construction industry of Kazakhstan" Adelsha Ermukhanov.

I agree with him vice-president of the Association of Legal Entities "National Association of designers of Kazakhstan” Serik Rustambekov. "NCE has become a fact in our lives. And we, together with it try to break through state bureaucracy, to make life easier for businesses, not only the construction industry, but also in general to all citizens of the country. This, of course, is very difficult, but nevertheless, there are successes. We hope that together with NCE we will bring to notice of all authorities all of our problems and solve them together", - said S. Rustambekov.

And, receiving the award, he voiced an interesting idea. "I think, the National Chamber of entrepreneurs needs to establish its own reward. For example, to reward the top 10 professionals in a certain field or 5 in a certain sphere", - said the representative of the association.

"And award them at the Congress. We will do it", - supported the proposal Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

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