
"Atameken" has supported the project on development of innovations

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In addition, representatives of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs organize public control over the transparency of conditions for scientists

 The Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the World Bank within the framework of the commercialization of the system launched the project "Stimulation of productive innovations" in the country. Among its organizers - the Ministry of Education and Science, State Unitary Enterprise "Stimulation of productive innovations", the National Academy of Sciences.

Objectives of the project - and the search for high-quality research relevant to the country and the commercialization of technologies through the support and maintenance of unique projects and start-ups from the development phase to implementation in a business process. The project will last until 2020, the first phase at the national level begins now. A group of senior and junior researchers can get grants, who present their research and development. Projects are designed for a three-year implementation period, during which grant recipients will be required to submit interim reports.

The project was supported by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken". "This is one of the rare projects, in which in the first place, the business itself has the scientific interest, and has the opportunity to be more than just co-executor together with scientific institutions, but also it initiator. Any company that has a development or partners with good ideas can act as co-initiators, create a group of up to seven people, inviting both domestic and foreign scientists", - said at a briefing at the Service of Central Communications Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Murat Abenov.

Grants will be provided to the leading Kazakh scientists, talented young researchers and businessmen, who have expressed a desire to carry out industrial research and research - development activities to be implemented in the production and / or display technology on the market for further commercialization. Duration of grant is 3 years. The maximum grant amount for groups of senior researchers - 230 million tenge, for groups of junior researchers -180 million tenge.

"I call on high-tech enterprises and productions to get actively engaged in it, time is short, the first phase - until 31st of August, you need to have time to apply. NCE intends to implement public control, because it is very important that all procedures are transparent and each organization could participate on an equal footing",- summed Murat Abenov.

Zhanar Serdalina

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