
Ablay Myrzakhmetov reported to the prime minister about the current situation in the business environment

- City of Almaty
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Within the framework of the working visit to Almaty, Kazakhstani Prime Minister Karim Massimov has met with the city's business community

The head of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov reported on the current situation and the systemic problems of business.

"In connection with the policy of inflation targeting occured the contraction of demand: the reduction of budget expenditures, expenditures of national companies. And two months ago, you, Karim Kazhimkanovich asked us to consider two questions in this regard. The first – is the maximum stimulation of domestic demand. Work in this direction is active in all regions, under all Akimats were created Commissions on Kazakh content. So, in the western regions were held sessions of Commission on procurement of subsoil users, Almaty engineering companies have shown the interest. In mid-September we are ready to compile all the information and report how the work goes. The second question - as much as possible to strengthen our exports to the neighbouring countries, where the non-oil sector could stimulate the small and medium business. Of course, Russia is our main partner. Primarily it is China, food products can go to Iran and our neighbors, the Central Asian republic. In this regard, much has been done in the past year, we have prepared a regional map of development, this year we presented it online. It operates in the test mode, it has 160 thousand views, of which 10 thousand – are foreign investors. We presented the regional map to ambassadors at the Foreign Ministry. The regional map includes 295 investment projects from all regions of the country", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

Also, according to Chairman of the Board of NCE, full-scale audit of supervisory functions is done upon the order of the Prime-Minister. For example, a working group with the participation of First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Sagintayev is aimed at elimination of excessive state inspections of entrepreneurs. As a result of measures taken in July, the amount of business tax audits decreased 2 times. If employees of the State Revenue Department carried out 79 audits on a daily basis, now it is 23. The number of registered criminal cases om pseudo-entrepreneurship has decreased twice. More than 65 criminal cases were denied, we have established close contact with the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan to reduce the pressure on business.

"NCE is working closely with the Government, is working with almost all the ministries and departments. In many ways, there are positive results", - summed up the performance the head of "Atameken”.

The meeting continued with performances of businessmen. Karim Massimov listened to the opinions of entrepreneurs and praised the work done by NCE RK "Atameken" in cooperation with state authorities.

"Not a single question was irrelevant, all the issues are relevant. In mid-September we will hold a meeting of Government with the participation of NCE. We need a comprehensive program, in which you want to summarize all the questions and suggestions that were made by entrepreneurs. Within a month, you need to solve all these problems, if not, we will try to find a solution in one way or another at the enlarged session of the Government in September", - concluded the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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