
Businessmen shared with the Prime-minister their daily concerns

- City of Almaty
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In Almaty was held a meeting on supporting entrepreneurship with the participation of Prime Minister Karim Massimov

During the working visit to Almaty, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Massimov has met with representatives of the business community. After a brief introductory speech of the Chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yerlan Stambekov about the systemic problems of business in Almaty, heads of industry associations and executive managers briefed on the situation in individual sectors.

Vice-president of the Association of Trade Enterprises of Kazakhstan Zhibek Azhibaeva spoke about the problematic issues of entrepreneurs, engaged in retail trade. According to her, when purchasing goods at wholesale markets, the products often are not accompanied by declarations of conformity, later when trading these products in the regions, the supervisory bodies impose fines on businesses due to lack of documentation proving the origin of goods.

"Department of Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of Almaty together with the administrations of the city markets must form the structure to confirm the goods on the principle of "single window", - suggested Azhibaeva.

CEO of LLP “Karlskrona LC AB” Ualikhan Akhmetov spoke about the high electricity tariffs for legal entities in the South Kazakhstan region.

"The problem of high electricity tariffs in the South Kazakhstan region compared to other regions (daytime rate of the market monopolist JSC "South Zharyk Transit" is 24.85 tenge). For example: in the western regions - 11 tenge, the company with its own substation - 16 tenge. The cost of electricity in the cost of production takes up 20 to 50%, which significantly affects the competitiveness of the products. We ask you to consider the reduction of tariffs on SKR"- addressed the entrepreneur to the Prime-Minister.

Next businessman, head of the farm "Yrysak-Ata" Kenzhebek Sautov from East Kazakhstan complained on difficulties with export of agricultural products to China. "There are no standards on development of trade and economic relations between China and RK that establish requirements for products. For example, when exporting beef and horse meat from the Republic of Kazakhstan to China, the authorized agencies demand from the Kazakh suppliers to have veterinary laboratory certificates, issued by the Russian Federation, while the similar examinations can be conducted at a Kazakhstani Veterinary Laboratory. When exporting honey from Kazakhstan, you need to invite the inspection bodies of PRC for examination and further inclusion in the registry of importers.  As part of the solution to these problems, the Chamber of entrepreneurs of the East Kazakhstan region carried out some work, but these issues need to be addressed at the level of the Government. Accreditation of Kazakh laboratories by the Chinese side will create conditions for Kazakh producers", - he said.

Deputy Director of PC "Nectar" Igor Davlasheridze is interested in the issue of discrepancies in the new Rules of Operation of commercial housing.

"The new Rules with existing building codes prohibit to developers to put constructed objects into operation without the so-called "final finish". Thus, the state requires inclusion of the whole complex of construction works in the design and estimate documentation, providing the final finish in accordance with SNIP, further Gask requires fulfillment of construction and installation work in accordance with the approved state expertise of design estimate documentation. As a result, we are again forced to put an object into operation with fine finish, despite the fact that the new rules allow it. The presence of these conflicts in RLAs creates an administrative barrier to commercial housing developers, who design new facilities ", - said Davlasheridze.

Entrepreneur considers it necessary to make changes to the SNIP of RK 3.02-43-2007 "Residential buildings", in terms of additions of the column "Quality of homes and apartments", after the words "observation of the requirements of standards for the materials used" by the words "as well as the design assignment, agreed with customer", where the customer will have the right to itself determine the kind of finish without making any changes to the approved project.

In addition, there were made proposals on improvement of the tourism industry and the furniture industry. During the meeting there was an exchange of views, problems will be studied and solved at the governmental level.

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