
Let’s improve laws together!

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"Atameken", together with the General Prosecutor's Office and the party "Nur Otan" have launched on its website a project, which enables to identify the rules in the legislation, that prevent business development

The service was launched today. It allows anyone to report quickly to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs about the problems in legislation in the field of entrepreneurship and availability of administrative barriers. To do this, you need to fill the online form "Let’s improve the law, together!"

All proposals received will be reviewed by experts of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, the General Prosecutor's Office and the party "Nur Otan". If the initiator’s reasons to change the law find their confirmation, the state agencies, developers of the relevant laws will be informed about it.

According to the norms, which contradict to the requirements of the law, the Prosecutor's Office will take appropriate actions of prosecutorial response.

To complete the form, you can click the button to "Let’s improve the law together" on the home page of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

We urge businesses to connect to this initiative and actively participate in the discussion of the legislation. It is expected that the results of the work of the service will be announced in September at a conference chaired by the Attorney General.

For submission of proposals regarding legislative changes, please call: 8 (7172) 91 93 57

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