
Negotiation power of business

- City of Shymkent
13379 просмотров

Contact groups in the South Kazakhstan region help to solve the problems of entrepreneurs quickly and without bureaucracy

JSC "Khimfarm" received a notification from the gas company "KazTransGas Aimak" on the termination of its gas supplies to the pharmaceutical company. The reason for this was violations, which have been identified during the inspection. It turned out that "Khimfarm" did not agree with the gas company the installation of one of the new boilers. In addition, a fine of 23 million tenge was imposed on the pharmaceutical company. Negotiations between the companies didn’t lead to anything.

The leadership of the pharmaceutical company appealed to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKR.

The Chamber solved the problem with the help of the contact group that work directly with the heads of government agencies and the monopoly companies. The expert of the Chamber Marlen Kaldarov telephoned the Deputy Director of JSC "KazTransGas Aimak" Askar Maukenov. During the negotiations, it turned out that the failure to agree the installation of the boiler occurred because of another company, which has been hired by "Khimfarm". JSC "Khimfarm" – is a strategically important facility and the critical situation of disconnection of gas could lead to the disruption of production and disruption of drug supply in the Republic of Kazakhstan. As a result, the commercial gas supply won’t be interrupted, and the amount of the fine was reduced from 23 million to 7, 8 million tenge.

Thus, the businessman problem has been solved in a matter of minutes, and pharmaceutical company can continue to operate.

The new form of the solution of problems of entrepreneurs - the contact group - set up by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKR for rapid response to violations of the rights of businesses and provision of effective assistance, with no time consuming correspondence between the competent authorities.

Today within the Chamber there are contacts group on work with energy - and gas suppliers, the State Revenue Department, Land Committee, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Shymkent, Akimat, transport.

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