
Domestic producers are gaining momentum

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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North Kazakhstani businessman Valery Samoilenko launched a new production at the existing plant of fat and oil products

With the assistance of the district department of entrepreneurship and the Fund for financial support for agriculture of NKR, he obtained a loan and bought the line for the production of packaged milk. He plans the manufacture of cheeses.

LLP "Lera-NORD” produces pasteurized milk with fat content of 2.5% and 3.2%, as well as cheese and spreads (butter with different content of vegetable oils). The plant produces 3 tons of milk per day and the same amount of spread.

"Such products as spreads, may be even more useful than butter, due to a lower calorie, long-life, low-cholesterol diet. Therefore, the popularization of a healthy diet and the relative cheapness of the product makes it particularly attractive to customers, - says the foreman Artyom Samoylenko. - Absolutely, all our products are made only from tested natural raw materials and do not contain additives, which are so common today. All incoming fresh raw materials pass laboratory control before their launch into the production process. We test for density, fat content and acidity of the milk, as for the presence of antibiotics and bacteria – it is done in the district SES with which we concluded the contract. "In addition, the company provides services for the packaging of oil and fat products. For this purpose, there is a special device for packing of butter in 200 g bricks.

"The Government and the business have one goal - to make Kazakhstan prosperous. The decisive factor in stimulation of the economic growth of any country is a private entrepreneurship. It is known that countries thrive thanks to the business and business - thanks to the support of their countries. Today, business in Kazakhstan is increasingly gaining ground, covering new sectors of the economy", - said the director of the Taynshy Branch of RCE Aslan Nurseitov.

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