
Agricultural products from Kazakhstan are in demand in the PRC

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The Ministry of Agriculture and "Atameken" are joining forces to promote Kazakhstani goods in China

The Government of Kazakhstan with the support of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs is actively negotiating the supply of agricultural products to the Chinese market. In particular, the Ministry of Agriculture is working on removing existing restrictions and barriers on the Chinese side. In May this year was signed a Joint Action Plan between the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Directorate of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (GUNKIK) of China on phytosanitary requirements in the field of sanitary and phytosanitary cooperation of both countries. Currently, for the removal of restrictions and provision of access of Kazakh products to the Chinese market, the authorized body of the Chinese side has audited veterinary system of our state. The inspection of domestic enterprises will also be held in September to meet the requirements for export to China.

In this regard, at the site of NCE was held a meeting with the connection of regions via a videoconference with the participation of Vice Minister of Agriculture Gulmira Isayeva, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE Dana Zhunusova, the business community and representatives of interested organizations.

Participants noted that such bilateral cooperation contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for the development of the domestic agricultural sector. The ongoing collaboration will make it possible to open the Chinese market for the domestic entrepreneurs at the end of 2016.

Gulmira Isayeva told what kinds of Kazakhstani products are the most promising in China. "Today, the Chinese diet changed, they give preference to proteins of animal origin, that is, they eat more meat. Here Kazakhstan can compete with Australia, Brazil, Argentina from an organic point of view. China clearly recognizes this. We evaluated our forecast for exports and concluded that even at an early stage, we can send 30 thousand tons of beef and 360 tons of lamb", - she said.

Also, according to Vice Minister, Kazakhstani honey is very popular in China, as well as cereals, oilseeds, vegetables. "In Chinese restaurants, there is a treat, the noodles from Kazakh flour. That is a great confidence in the quality of our flour; our products are premium", - she said.

Particular attention was paid to the licensing procedures that must pass the Kazakh producers for permission to export to China. "This is a complex procedure, often Chinese demands are tougher then international. But I think it's good for us, because our products because of its organic nature are more competitive compared with other suppliers, we just need to build up this process", - she added.

"In China, a big hype around the Kazakh products. The Soiree has opened a store called "Products from Kazakhstan", which until now operated with small batches of products. We need to move to a new format of cooperation and to deliver our products in bulk through civilized methods of trade", - said Isayev.

The Vice-Minister stressed that in these matters integration of business with government agencies is very important and asked "Atameken" to gather at its site all the concerned departments and the domestic agricultural producers to discuss further work. Entrepreneurs, who were present at the meeting received important information and were able to ask all the questions.

 "For us, the Chinese market is very relevant, because the current production volumes allow us to expand. We are interested to grow new crops, and in large quantities, but there is an understanding that the local market is not receptive. The nearby logistics point is China. We are very positive about the opening of this market", - said the representative of LLP "Agro Bayserke" of Almaty region.

Dana Zhunusova noted that it is necessary to coordinate the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture and "Atameken". "Following today's meeting, we need to attract a wide range of stakeholders and to establish a working group to develop concrete steps to solution of national business issues when exporting to China", - she said, and asked business to provide feedback to on this issue, to consider their proposals at each meeting.

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