
There has been launched an online service "let’s improve the law together!"

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Last week, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs jointly with the Attorney General's Office and the party "Nur Otan" has launched a project on its website to identify the rules in the legislation that hinder businesses.

To date, through the mechanism "let’s improve the law together" have been received several proposals for procurement, taxation and in the field of energy. Proposals for changes to legislation are considered by experts of "Atameken" and state agencies, supervising these spheres.

Anyone has the opportunity to point out to the existing problems in the legislation on entrepreneurship at the website of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs or at the website of the Prosecutor General's Office.

As explained by the Deputy Director of the Department of Legal Protection of Entrepreneurs NCE RK Kairat Toksanbay, all proposals will be considered by the relevant unit of the Chamber. "Proposals to amend the legislation are considered by sectoral departments, and if the problem involves more than one sphere, we involve other concerned departments", - said the expert.

In addition, proposals, which are really related to imperfection of legislation on business, are sent to the state bodies - developers of relevant regulations for review.

As for the norms, which contradict to the requirements of the law, the Prosecutor's Office will take appropriate actions of prosecutorial response.

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Prosecutor General's Office and the party "Nur Otan" urged the business community of Kazakhstan to engage actively in this work and to submit proposals to improve the legislation.

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