
There were recognized conditions for WTO goods, following from Kazakhstan to the countries of the Union

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During EIC were approved shipping documents when handling the goods included in the list of seizures in RK as part of our membership in the WTO

During the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, which was held in Sochi, the heads of government of the five countries decided on the recognition of shipping documents for handling of Kazakhstani goods seized in the framework of the WTO on the territory of the Union.

In 2015 Kazakhstan has become a full member of the World Trade Organization. It has committed itself to reduce the rates of import customs duties in respect of goods within the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union.

However, when you move those goods, which are imported to Kazakhstan by WTO rates, our country had to ensure traceability, and to create accounting systems in order to prevent the export of such goods to the territory of other Member States of EAEU. Export of goods from the List is possible only if they were imported at the rate of CCT of EAEU.

The condition for the export of goods, included in the List, but imported at rates of CCT of EAEU to the territory of Kazakhstan, is presence of shipping documents.

Ministry of Finance amended the regulatory framework of Kazakhstan, which provide for registration of two shipping documents: a customs declaration and the electronic invoice in mutual trade in the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union.

In accordance with the legal framework of Kazakhstan, shipping documents are also necessary for the sale of goods that are imported from member states, made in Kazakhstan or were imported to the Republic of Kazakhstan prior to our country's accession to the WTO. We are talking here about the products that are in the list of exemptions in respect of which there is possibility of import at a reduced rate.

At the time the Department of economic integration NCE RK "Atameken" carried out large-scale outreach to inform local entrepreneurs, carriers, and other persons engaged in export-import transactions of seized goods, on new conditions of entry and movement of goods with a low import duty.

It is worth noting that thanks to the activities of the Department, as well as the level of responsibility of domestic business, in the recent time domestic entrepreneurs acted in accordance with the established rules to the maximum.

However, the legal basis to accept paper copies of electronic invoices and customs declarations for goods as shipping documentation from the List has not been fixed documentary by the authorized state bodies of the Union.

In this regard, the Department of Economic Integration of NCE RK "Atameken" in cooperation with the state bodies of Kazakhstan initiated the regulatory consolidation, which stipulates that copies of invoices and declarations (or a certificate of origin if the country of origin of goods is the Republic of Kazakhstan) are considered to be shipping documents through signing of the draft EEC Council Decision, which regulates certain questions.

The signed decision of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council #5 dated by 12th of August 2016 fully meets the interests of business and complies with the legal framework of Kazakhstan, including due to the fact that the experts of the Department throughout the work on the preparation of the document were involved in its agreement.

Thus, the provisions of the adopted act state that copies of an e-invoice with the seal of the territorial authority of the State Revenue Committee of MF RK is recognized as the shipping document for movement of goods, which are included in the list of exemptions, from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the territory of other Member States of the Union.

In addition, the EIC decision determines the shipping documents, which must be presented for the goods included in the List, but not imported by WTO rates from third countries.

In this regard, the Department of NCE draws attention of entrepreneurs for additional documents to an e-invoice, depending on the import of goods in the following cases:

- From third countries at the rate of the Common Customs Tariff of EAEU, you need a copy of the customs declaration, the seal of the territorial authority of the State Revenue Committee of MF RK;

- From other Member States in addition to the hard copy of an e-invoice should be presented by a copy of the application for the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes in accordance with Appendix #18 to the EAEU Treaty;

- For goods produced in Kazakhstan, it is necessary, when moving goods, to present the original certificate of origin of ST-1form, issued in accordance with the rules of origin of goods;

- For goods produced on the territory of free economic zones and free warehouses of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to present the original certificate of origin CT-KZ, issued in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, or a copy, which has been certified by NCE RK "Atameken" as an authorized organization.

For a more clear understanding of the algorithm of import and processing of shipping documents for the goods included in the list of exemptions and transported through the territory of the Union, the Department of Economic Integration prepared information on import and circulation of goods included in the list of exemptions of the common customs tariff of EAEU, you can use by following the link.

In conclusion, the Department of Economic Integration of NCE RK "Atameken" once again draws the attention of the domestic business to the conditions of entry and circulation of goods on the territory of the EAEU in accordance with the commitments taken by the Republic of Kazakhstan as a member of the WTO, and in the conduct of business activities asks to follow a fixed legal framework of the Union.

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