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Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs announces the renewal of accreditation of republican intersectoral, industry associations (unions), as well as republican associations (unions) of small, medium and/or large business.

Documents are accepted from January 22 to March 29, 2019. The package of documents is sent on paper and / or in electronic form. The associations (unions) submit the package of required documents to the Board of the National Chamber.  Address: Block “B” of the Izumrudny Qvartal Business Center,  8 Kunaev Street, Essil residential district, 010000 Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan. e-mail: (phone 91-93-56 (ext. 1972).

The list of documents submitted to the Board of the National Chamber for accreditation with the National Chamber:

1) an application in the form established by Annex 1 to the Rules, signed by the head of the association (union), authorized to represent its interests without a power of attorney or by a representative by proxy (with a copy of the power of attorney attached);

2) a report on the activities of the association (union) and documents confirming the compliance of the association (union) with the established qualification requirements;

3) the following documents should be submitted for accreditation with the National Chamber:

- information about the committee of the Presidium of the National Chamber, in which the association (union) proposes to include its representative (representatives) with the right to vote;

- information about the above representative (representatives) (including name, surname, summary, qualification, professional experience, including work experience in the relevant industry, a copy of the identity card);

- information about other committees of the Presidium of the National Chamber, for the participation of a representative (representatives) of the association (union), with a deliberative vote, as well as information about the above representative (representatives) (including name, surname, summary, qualification, professional experience, including work experience in the relevant sector of the economy, a copy of an identity card);

- information about the representative of the association (union), proposed to participate in the work of the Congress;

4) a list of full-time employees of the association (union), indicating the full name and position.

The qualification requirements and accreditation procedure are established by the Rules.

The full text of the Rules and Regulations of the Bureau’s Committees of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs can be found in the section “Atameken Documents”: paragraph 3 Chapter IV “Rules and other documents of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK” and Chapter VII “Regulations on the Bureau’s Committees of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK”. 

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