
To the attention of producers and consumers of steel angles!

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Department of Economic Integration NCE RK "Atameken" invites all producers and consumers of steel parts, originating from Ukraine, to participate in the anti-dumping investigation

According to the structural division of NCE RK, on 5th of August this year the Department of protection of the domestic market of the Eurasian Economic Commission decided to launch an anti-dumping investigation in respect of hot-rolled steel angles (code 7216 21 000 0, 7216 40 100 0, 7216 50 100 0, 7216 50 990 0, 7228 70 100 0 HS EAEC), originating from Ukraine and imported into the customs territory of the EAEU.

The relevant notification of the EEC Department was posted on the official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

In accordance with Annex # 8 of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, interested parties may declare their intention to take part and register as a member of the investigation within 25 calendar days from the date of commencement of the investigation.

If the person concerned has registered as a member of the investigation, the person will be able to:

• familiarize themselves with non-confidential materials of the investigation;

• within 45 calendar days from the date of commencement of the investigation to apply for a public hearing and to participate in them;

• prior to completion of the investigation to study the non-confidential version of the final conclusion of the EEC Department (for anti-dumping and countervailing investigations) and provide comments.

In addition, in accordance with the EAEU Treaty, the interested persons may, within 60 calendar days from the date of initiation of the investigation, submit comments related to the investigation information to the Department of EEC (in writing, in Russian, in a confidential and non-confidential version). Shareholders in an investigation are producers and consumers and importers of the product in question.

Producers and consumers, in order to protect their interests, may submit documents and information related to the investigation, to participate in consultations with the competent authority and the other members of the investigation.

Department Economic Integration notes that the anti-dumping measure may be applied to the product upon establishment during the investigation of the following facts:

• the goods are delivered to the EAEU at dumping prices;

• material damage is applied or there is a threat of such damage to sector of the economy of the Union;

• there is a causal link between the dumped imports and material damage caused to the industry within the Union.

In this regard, the participation of all interested parties (producers and consumers) and presentation of relevant information is an essential factor in determining the conclusion of the investigation, since their absence could lead to negative consequences, reflected in the fact that the information may not be taken into account by the EEC Department during the investigation, and preliminary and a final conclusion on the results of the investigation could be based on some of the available information at the EEC Department.

For reference:

The volume of imports of steel parts (under the above HS codes) from third countries in 2015 amounted to 16 thousand tons in the amount of 10.9 million US dollars, including from Ukraine in the amount of 13.7 thousand tons in the amount of 9 million USD. Export of these types of goods in 2015 was hardly carried out (2.7 thousand USD to Tajikistan).

During the first half of 2016 the volume of imports of these types of steel parts was 2 thousand tons for the sum of 1.9 million USD (from Ukraine - 1,4 thousand tons for the sum of 1.1 million US dollars.).. Export was carried out to Uzbekistan and Afghanistan and reached 556 tons in the amount of 190 thousand USD.

If you are interested in participating in the anti-dumping investigation against steel parts, originating from Ukraine, as a producer or consumer of steel parts, please contact the Department of Economic Integration NCE RK "Atameken".

Tel.: 8 (7172) 919 373, e-mail:

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