
Adults talk about kids industry

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More than 100 companies, engaged in the industry of children's goods and services in Kazakhstan, will take part in the exhibition-fair dedicated to the Family Day in Kazakhstan

Trade Fair will be held on 10-11 of September at the Palace of Independence of Kazakhstan, within the framework of the first Kazakh youth forum - Kazakhstan Kids Forum 2016.

Within the frameworks of the forum and exhibition will be held a round table on the problems of development and support of children's programs in Kazakhstan with the participation of the Ministry of National Economy, NCE RK "Atameken", Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu" and the leading operators of infant industry.

At the forum will be presented UNICEF program on early childhood development, and will lead the discussion of topical issues of development and protection of children and adolescents, the development of children's industry in Kazakhstan. There will be conducted workshops, master classes, seminars, round tables, held a fashion show and a movie srceening.

Children and adolescents, who attend the forum, will be able to participate in educational programs Experts in Public talk with famous people of Kazakhstan, to enjoy the holiday and to buy in the autumn at the fair.

For business the forum is useful because there will be set up an effective platform in the form of an exhibition and business program, which will allow manufacturers and suppliers to find customers and buyers, to present their products / services, to establish the necessary contacts and exchange of business and commercial information on development of cooperation and reliable means of increasing sales.

For participation in the Forum, please contact the Organizing Committee of the Forum:

Astana, 5, Sarayshyk street, BC "French Quarter"

tel. +7 (7172) 782928, +7 (7777) 782928, +7 (7077) 782928

We will be happy to help:

Head of the Organizing Committee of the forum - Satova Meiramgul, mob. +7 702 109 77 19, email: m.satova @, m.satova @

Senior Manager - Sati Nazgul, mob. +7 775 777 26 72, email:,

Manager - Yergazin Faina, mob. +7 747 482 47 49, email:,

Public Relations Manager - Nurgul Tleubaeva, mob. +7 707 778 29 28, e mail:,

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