
How to establish a dialogue between business and the state?

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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To sit at a round table and to discuss the most pressing issues!

Such mutually beneficial meetings are regularly held at the branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of North Kazakhstan region in Mamlyut District. This time, at the seminar in the framework of "An official and businessman" gathered businessmen, representatives of the State Revenue Committee, Justice and the regional environmental agency. Subject activities: Amendments and changes to the laws "On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Places of Origin" and "On the registration of real estate".

Specialists of the Department of Justice warned the regional business community on the use of trademarks, the owners of which are not businesses, and was reminded of the impending responsibility for the offense. They also talked about the rescheduling of real estate registration and exclusion from the list of documents, required to undergo this procedure.

In turn, businesses have received answers to their concerns. In particular, they were interested in the imposition of an administrative penalty in case of distribution of products with the trademarks, the mechanism to combat the sale of illegal products on the wholesale markets, and its manufacturers. At the same time, entrepreneurs and government officials discussed the work of cash machines with online data transfer. In particular, they noted such things as vehicle instability and the high cost of its maintenance and the possibility of using two cash machines in the same outlet.

District entrepreneurs regularly participate in events, held with the participation of state representatives, to discuss pressing issues. In turn, the local authorities are willing to use an interactive platform of the branch of RCE to provide up to date  information on various issues and changes in legislation.

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