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From 1st of September 2016 NCE RK "Atameken" has launched a single number 8-800-080-80-10

Currently, at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Kazakhstan operates a single number 59-79-60. However, free dial-in service contact is possible only from a landline phone in the regional center. Therefore, for a wide coverage of business in rural areas was introduced a single number 8800080 80 10, which can be reached, not only from a landline, but also through any mobile operator.

For any questions and advice, entrepreneurs can call the number 8-800-080-80-10 toll-free from any region of the country. Businessmen can share problems and ask questions from experts. The experts of the National Chamber will conduct the necessary consultations on legal and other matters; they will talk about the existing forms of government support. You can also learn about the conferences and workshops held at NCE, and in general on the activities of the National Chamber.

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