
We will have our own sodium carbonate

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Construction and opening of the plant for the production of this product will help to reduce the volume of imports from abroad

On the territory of Kyzylorda region it is planned to build a plant for the production of sodium carbonate, which will gradually minimize its supply from outside of Kazakhstan.

"LLP" Araltuz ", which implemented the project of the Spanish plant at its facility in the Aral Sea region, has opened a second plant this year and implements the third project - a project for the production of sodium carbonate. You know that Kazakhstan imports sodium carbonate. The demand in Kazakhstan is 400 thousand tons ", - announced at a briefing today at the Service of Central Communications the chief of the department of industrial-innovative development of Kyzylorda region Rinat Sultangereev.

According to R. Sultangereeva, "the first phase of the project is 200 thousand tons, currently the project has passed all sectoral conclusions passed the first stage of harmonization at the Kazakhstani Development Bank has finished". Now we are discussing the question of the inclusion of the object in the Republican map of industrialization, the price of which is 81 billion tenge. "We want to begin construction of factories for the production of sodium carbonate in the next year. This plant will supply its products for the production of glass factory ", - stated Rinat Sultangereev.

Detailing the situation around the opening of a glass factory in Kyzylorda region, the head of the Office said that in September it is planned to complete construction of a warehouse for finished products.

"We want to start it in the second half of next year. We are supplying the processing equipment now. This year will be hired workers, they will be trained by foreign experts at the existing plant ", - assured Rinat Sultangereev.

At the request of the correspondent, representatives of the regional akimat informed how in general support is rendered to domestic producers. Commenting on this subject, R. Sultangereev stressed that "support to all enterprises and an entrepreneur is uniform, whether it is a grant or an investment contract".

"Even the land plots are distributed through negotiations, and subsoil use contracts can be obtained through direct negotiations without participation in auctions and tenders in order to accelerate the realization of a project", - stated Rinat Sultangereev.

Besides, a project for the construction of feedlots for 10 thousand heads of sheep is being implemented. It is expected that the annual production of lamb meat will be about 250 tons in the future with a prospect for export. In addition, it planned to build in the area a slaughterhouse for 5 thousand tons, poultry farms, two greenhouses on 5 thousand hectares. Great expectations in the region are associated with the development of projects in crop production, for this purpose, in particular, has increased the area of ​​cultivation of melons, vegetables, potatoes.

Zhanar Serdalina

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