
Why do the Japanese start the day with a cleaning of a working station?

- City of Astana
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Kazakhstani enterprises are adopting the Japanese Kaizen system

The project of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) was presented to the capital's business community at a special seminar at the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana.  The project is intended for support of Kazakhstani small and medium businesses in implementation of Kaizen, which provides a unique opportunity to implement the principles and tools of the famous Japanese system, together with an expert - consultant from Japan.

"This project is initiated by JICA in 2015. The project is presented by a Japanese expert with the Kazakh consultants. Japanese expert visits the company four times in the period from September 2016 on April 2017. Between visits, the company performs the tasks and works together with the Kazakh consultant ", - said the representative of JICA Erica Alimbekova.

Remarkably, 80% of the costs of the project in this year are covered the Japanese agency. These are costs associated with the involvement of the Japanese expert: accommodation, fees, translation services, and transport.

The enterprise-participant covers only 20% of the cost, which is nearly 3 million tenge. However, the partial reimbursement is possible through a scheme of state support to the enterprises included in the list of priority sectors of the economy under the "Performance 2020" ( JSC "KIDI").

"Applications will be accepted from all companies, but priority will be given to manufacturing companies. The participants should have the desire to improve their business processes, activity in the implementation of the principles of Kaizen and liaise with the Japanese Center after completion of the program", - said Erica Alimbekova.

Last year, five Almaty companies participated in the project. The representative of LLP "Saiman" noted that the introduction of Kaizen allowed to increase the performance of the enterprise and safety, to improve the motivation of employees, to reduce costs and, in general, to unify the staff.

"We now, as in Japanese companies, for instance, start our day with a collective cleaning of working stations. Previously, neither I nor the other staff did not understand why do we need to do it. But now we see that this simple action well disciplines and sets staff in the working mood, and integrates employees, provides an understanding of a common cause", - he said.

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