
There is a state program for each business initiative

- Karaganda Region
11512 просмотров

Entrepreneurs of Abay district received more than 50 million tenge in 2016 under the state program "Roadmap of Employment -2020"

The "Roadmap of Employment 2020" is the most popular and most accessible government program for entrepreneurs in rural areas and single-industry towns. 20 entrepreneurs from Abay district have already received funding for their projects in the framework of the program, and another 20 projects are under consideration.

One of the entrepreneurs who have received loan funds within RME 2020 is Lyazzat Zharmagambetova. The businesswoman addressed to the Business Support Center to expand her business. Once the experts have picked up the right program for her, consultants helped her to write a business plan. Lyazzat wanted to expand her tailoring business with a purchase of a few special sewing machines. Having borrowed funds in the amount of 1.5 million tenge, the entrepreneurs bought the necessary equipment and opened 2 jobs.

Within another government program - "Road map of business-2020", which provides grant funding, 8 entrepreneurs of Abay district submitted their applications. All these projects were accompanied by the local branch of the Chamber from the beginning. The names of those who can take advantage of free aid of the state will be announced very soon by the Regional Coordinating Committee.

One of the participants of grant funding is an individual entrepreneur Aliya Zhumataeva with a project for growing of oyster mushrooms. Aliya has already started work, rented a greenhouse in Topar. Business lady plans to produce up to 9 tons of mushrooms per month with mycelium 5 thousand bags. Now the entrepreneur is developing a packaging design and labels. She has already an agreement with the major retail chains of the region - network "Southern" supermarkets is interested in Aliya’s production of greenhouse, she has also signed an agreement of intent with two wholesalers from Astana.

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