
Agrarians of Shortandy are full of optimism about the harvest

- Akmola Region
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The presence of a large consumer market of Astana guarantees stable sales for agricultural producers of Akmola region

"Agrarians have grown an excellent harvest", - this assessment today during a working visit to Shortandy District of Akmola region gave the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. In particular, the President visited LLP "Zhaken-1", where he talked not only with the management of the farm, but also employees, and then held a meeting with farmers in the region.

Telling about his farm its leader Kanat Adilbekov noted that it is "pure grain". "We started operations in 2005, we have 11 hectares of land on the farm, of which 9 are arable land", - said the businessman. He added that now eight harvesters are working at the fields, and almost all the equipment is imported, starting with the American combines “John Deere”. Kanat Adilbekov noted that all the equipment was purchased in leasing, and it has already been paid off". The owner LLP "Zhaken-1" looks with optimism at the future of the business, noting a big state support in the form of subsidies and stable operation of the operators of petroleum products. The only thing that concerns Kanat Adilbekov - is the price of grain, which "all the time fluctuates". The businessman also said a little about the financial situation of his farm, noting briefly that it makes profit.

Operators of harvesters collect the harvest in a good mood. For example, Gennady Molchanov said that now he and his colleagues work from 8.00 to 23.00 and have already "harvested 500 tons". Sharing the work experience on the harvester “John Deere”, Gennady said that it is "good and convenient equipment", where everything is regulated". He said that once he has worked on the harvester "Yenisei", so it is something to compare. During harvesting period the salary of the operator reaches 500-600 thousand tenge per month. In addition, LLP "Zhaken-1” practices incentives. According to Kanat Adilbekov - a "payment in the form of three to five tons plus a thirteenth monthly salary at the end of the year".

Getting acquainted with the situation in the fields of Shortandy, Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that Akmola region – is one of the granaries of Kazakhstan. According to the Head of State, three regions - Akmola, North Kazakhstan, Kostanay will give 16.5 million tons of grain. "Akmola region is developing steadily, because it's metropolitan region. Astana is located on the territory of Akmola region, agricultural production goes there, it is very necessary for the producers, they earn their money", - noted Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In addition, it is planned to launch "Masalsk GOK" in Akmola region, - as the President noted, it "will also help the economy of the region". Kazakhstan's President also appealed to the agricultural producers with the request "during the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan to help more to the needy villagers, to repair hospitals, schools, kindergartens, cultural centers, the streets so the improvement of life could be felt in every family".

The Head of State paid attention to operators of harvesters, shaking hands with each, discussing in detail the battle for the harvest.

"Good wheat, I am very satisfied. You see, I'm in a good mood. Farmers have grown a fine crop. Now, we wish them good weather, to collect it all, to put it in the barns, to sell and to get good profit", - concluded Nursultan Nazarbayev.


Zhanar Serdalina

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